
































内容简介:被系统扔到古代搞传媒怎么办?收青楼、开传媒公司、培养艺人、搞报社。还有报纸杂志、广播剧、话剧、选秀、综艺全面开花!古代人追起星来也是很恐怖的!看着第三产业逐渐崛起,苏芃芃表示:基操勿6 。系统:宿主大大,您穿越的世界是小说世界,还有个女主立志要搞死你呢!苏芃芃:嗯嗯嗯?系统:哦对了!这个世界的系统宿主不止你一个,还有个不知是敌是友的家伙在观望局势呢!苏芃芃:???感情我金手指是最弱的一个!!1w0-29877 >>


内容简介:他是富可敌国的帝国总裁,俊美逼人,心狠手辣。他叫她小疯子,只有她,能近他的身,入他的心。小疯子闯进他视线的那天起,他的世界彻底乱了套。苏芙问“我是你的什么?”“你是我的安眠药。”“为什 么是安眠药?”“因为这样我就可以先吃掉你再睡觉。”上官凌目光邪肆,欺身而上,她美眸微瞪“你干什么?”男人勾唇“该吃药了。”婚后苏芙怒视占有欲超强的老公“离婚吧,这日子没法过了!”上官凌冷冽一笑“不过就不过,谁不离谁是孙子!财产给你,小包子给你,我也给你!你去哪里我也去哪里!”(暖宠)1w0-27634 >>


内容简介:手握护国神剑,这世上,没他不敢杀的人。拿起银针,世间没他治不了的病。牵起她的手,这天下,再没人敢欺负她半分。《林霄与秦晚秋小说》是最强战婿精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新林霄与秦晚秋小 说最新章节并提供无弹窗阅读。1w8567-62443 >>






内容简介:【主编力推,年度火文】“他竟然召唤出一个黑铁级的僵尸?哈哈,简直是LOW爆了。”“抱歉,我的僵尸可吞噬、无CD、无限连招随时放。最重要一点,我还能自动挂机哦……躺着升级,躺着赚钱!”“ 卧槽,无情……”“不仅如此,我还有商店系统、技能自动读条、装备锻炼系统。所有的神技和神装都是出自于我手……”“爸爸……”开局就王炸,就问你怕不怕……1w0-96062 >>


内容简介:那一夜,当一艘带着婴儿的氪星飞船坠在麦克·肯特家的农场,当他决定收养那孩子,穿越的金手指因此激活时,他就明白,他的生活要发生变化了。超人克拉克·肯特,X教授查尔斯·肯特,万磁王埃里克· 肯特……当他成为这些人的父亲时,最强的一家诞生了!1w1800-70814 >>


内容简介:想要变强吗?那么就请充值吧!首充就送天阶法诀!元宝限时打折,不容错过!十连抽必得至少一件地阶物品!功法一键领悟、万能碎片一键合成、VIP每周好礼放送、定向神器首抽必中!还有情缘系统、榜 单挑战、消费返额、签到福利等活动,将陆续开放……梁辰看着眼前的这一行行介绍,不知道这玩意儿究竟从何而来。但他知道,自己即将举世无敌了。1w73970-73974 >>


内容简介:酒香不怕巷子深,在东方中州杂货街中有一家酒馆,它有着最嚣张的招牌,有着最高冷的老板,卖着最贵的酒,但是却每天客满,最令人好奇的是,这家酒馆里女客的数量竟然和男客数量差不多,在世界上爱酒 者眼中,那里就好像是酒的圣地!据说,那里的每种酒都有着自己神奇的效果,甚至可以延年益寿……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市酒仙系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63919 >>


内容简介:【正文已完】【请支持正版,盗文狗来舞必骂】——鬼怪简历——姓名:简小玉职业:无限游戏的NPC演员梦想:成为最厉害的副本Boss然而,女鬼也不是那么好当的。“会唱歌吗?”“剧本要求跳舞。 ”“这个女鬼死前是个科学家,临死最后一天还在算题。”简小玉想了想,最后抖着帕金森的舞步瞎瘠薄画完了整道题并来了一段宛若依萍捂嘴的BBox。众玩家:“……这个副本真的好恐怖,字面意义上。”——————裴遇在找一个人。有人告诉他,通关无限逃生就能实现一个愿望。裴遇二话不说,提刀就上。后来……人找是找到了,可为什么如此沙雕?闷骚大佬x戏精NPC【阅读指南】1反无限流。沙雕文,完全不恐怖2类似于去鬼屋装鬼吓人的快乐,用魔法打败魔法3有男主,不买股4女主失忆沙雕没心没肺老色批,成长型,非满级大佬专栏完结无限流:《在求生游戏里疯狂摸鱼》《在逃生游戏里救死扶伤》《我在末世直播升级》(快穿)——————预收《种星星星际种田》十三岁那年,阿寻继承了一颗星球。黄沙废土之上,她是唯一一个居民。十六岁那年,阿寻捡到了一个失忆的男人。故事从此开始。科学开荒、改良作物、驯养凶兽、净化土壤、发展经济、拯救被污染的星球。星河璀璨,沧海桑田。与你并肩。—无系统,无外挂。知识就是力量,探索永无止尽。男女主科学开荒,真种星星。1w0-45098 >>


内容简介:她,21世纪王牌特工,被家族遗弃的天才少女;他,傲娇腹黑帝国太子,一怒天下变的至高王者;她扮猪吃虎坑他、虐他、刺激他、每次撩完就跑。是个男人就忍不了!他只能猎捕她,宠溺她,诱惑她为他倾 心,谁知先动心的人却变成了他。——君临天下的少年,凤舞江山的少女,一场棋逢对手,势均力敌的爱情追逐游戏。各位书友要是觉得《神医凰后凤舞君临渊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w505-4841 >>



Sore Wa Totsuzen, Unmei No Aite Ga

Imagine a country where couples are chosen based on the compatibility of their genes. Whenever a resident reaches the age of 14, a partner will be suggested to him or her based on which match would result in the best child being born. This is a collection of stories about some of the more 'interesting' pairings chosen by this system.

Fushigi Na Hito

1. Mysterious Person Ruka is a high-school girl who holds affections for her teacher, Tokio. But one day, a mysterious person shows up and claims that he has come from the past! Not to mention, he calls himself by the same name as her beloved teacher, Tokio. What’s more unbelievable is that both “Tokio” have the exact same scar engraved on their palm… 2. A Small Love Story Hashi is one of the two sole members of her school's literature club. The other one is the romance-novel-loving club president Madoka. By chance, he finds out that her deceased grandmother happens to be one of his favourite authors. When he asks her to provide him with some original material, it sparks a change in her disinterest in love stories and their relationship. 3. Cloe the Devil Chroe is a loner because she has a reputation of bad things happening around her, especially to people who piss her off. What her classmates don't know is that she's a demon who causes misfortune on whomever she beholds. One day, while being confronted by a group of girls, Kikuchi defends her, causing her to look at him in surprise, which in turn causes him bad luck. Chroe starts avoiding him, scared of accidentally causing him harm, but Kikuchi is relentless in his pursuit. Chroe finds herself being drawn to him, but how is a relationship possible when she can't even throw him a glance without something bad happening to him? 4. Alice in Wonderland Ruu's mother just committed suicide and everyone can't stop gossiping about it, except for her new boyfriend, Mitsu, who acts like everything is normal. With everything going on, Ruu wants to seek comfort from Mitsu, but since her mother's passing, he hasn't touched her. Does Mitsu want her to disappear, too? 5. Sugar-Coat Ako is a seventeen-year old who is in love with her cousin (who also happens to teach at her school), Shou. Shou is getting married in a month and Ako is acting out to get his attention, and to prove to herself, and to him, that he cares about her. Shou is getting increasingly worried by Ako's erratic behavior, which only started somewhat recently. Can Ako get over her feelings? Or will she lose herself in a path of self-destruction? 6. The Star and The Heart Mini and Mani are identical twins who are best friends, and do everything, and go everywhere together. To help people tell them apart, Mani wears star earrings and Mini wears heart earrings. Life is great, until Mini suddenly acts loopy and distracted. Mani discovers that Mini and Suga have fallen for each other, and Mani is jealous that despite being identical, someone likes Mini, and no one likes her. On another level, she also feels that Suga is taking her best friend away from her. To what lengths will she go to to keep her sister close?

Sweet & Sensitive

From ADV: Life is tough for lovesick teenagers! Meet Ee-Ji, a high school freshman suffering from—or is, perhaps, the cause of—an adolescent love triangle. Torn between two men, she is racked with grief over her own indecision. The first man in the running is Han-Kyul, a classmate since elementary school and Ee-Ji’s longtime lovable crush, or the safe bet. But, his competition is a far cry from his sweet and sensitive demeanor. Sae-Ryun is crude, offensive and constantly bullies Ee-Ji and her friends, but he has managed to catch her eye anyway. To make matters worse, these two contenders are best friends. This situation has the potential to explode into a sordid mess, but Ee-Ji will have to pick her favorite man first!

Shoujo Tenshi Milcute

From Nagareboshi: Miu's father left her five years ago with a box. The box was locked, and Miu's father took the key with him. on her birthday, he sent it back, and inside the box was a mahou shoujo transformation device! Now it's Miu's job to transform into Shoujo Tenshi Milcute and save the world! From Nagareboshi: This manga is about the forbidden love between Angel and Devil. (tenshi to akuma) There has been a war raging between Heaven and Hell for centuries--and it's Miu's job to find the 'Heart of God' and stop the fighting. EDIT: The author is putting this series on hold because she wanted to start Modotte! Mamotte Lollipop.

Old Vampire And A Holy Girl

Old Vampire And A Holy Girl summary: A legendary vampire, a true monster that has even made an enemy of G.o.d, a mythical figure from the old stories. He is now an old man who lives as a shut-in in some corner of the Kingdom, in a castle that is closer to a haunted house. He lives a mellow and lazy life – but that peace of his was eventually shattered. This is a quiet era where “Vampires” only exist in old fables. It is a story of the peaceful every day between a saint who is trying to rehabilitate a shut-in and an old vampire who will not even entertain the thought of going outside.

Brutal Journey Of An Unfortunate Female Heroine

Brutal Journey Of An Unfortunate Female Heroine summary: Not your typical reincarnation novelReina Strauss was a foreigner in j.a.pan.After the death of her mother she goes to live with her j.a.panese dad in j.a.pan. When she gets there though things don 't happen quite like she expects. On her first day of high school her whole cla.s.s is forced to kill each other to survive but, even if she survived she gets sent to a place where worse things happen. ...

A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln

A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln summary: A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The New Book of Middle Eastern Food

The New Book of Middle Eastern Food summary: The New Book of Middle Eastern Food summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The New Book of Middle Eastern Food. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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