


































内容简介:方晨,一个在万年前被封印的少年,出世却发现修为尽失,家族被灭,无奈背负复兴重担,再次踏上修行路。自己被封印之后,到底发生了什么?到底是人故意为之?还是冥冥中的安排?纵是天骄无数,战!纵 是举世皆敌,战!纵是神魔大凶,战!一路争锋,战败绝代天骄,踏破1w0-99153 >>


内容简介:  在各种影视作品中打脸,在现实世界zhuangB打脸。1w0-3558


内容简介:东方神州,有人皇立道统,有圣贤宗门传道,有诸侯雄踞一方王国,诸强林立,神州动乱千万载,值此之时,一代天骄叶青帝及东凰大帝横空出世,东方神州一统!然,叶青帝忽然暴毙,世间雕像尽皆被毁,于 世间除名,沦为禁忌;从此神州唯东凰大帝独尊!十五年后,东海青州城,一名为叶伏天的少年,开启了他的传奇之路…1w470-4856 >>




内容简介:骆臻一昔穿越,成为了一本书里的炮灰男配。这位男配和女主青梅竹马,一直全身全意的照顾她,但不仅没得到回报,还因为女主的原因,不断的被男主反派大佬们针对,最后落得身败名裂,家破人亡。骆臻反 应过来后的第一件事,就是离女主和她的追求团队越远越好,但他突然被绑定了一个画风诡异的公主系统……系统任务一:人鱼公主任务开启,请于明天凌晨三点,叫醒你的室友,并为他演奏一首摇篮曲。骆臻看着睡在自己下铺,原著中打断原主腿的男二,觉得膝盖在隐隐作痛……系统任务二:白雪公主任务开启,请在一分钟内,抢走吃完你同桌手中的苹果,并在摔一跤后,把苹果吐出来。骆臻看着坐在自己旁边,最后会让他家破人亡的反派,手指开始剧烈发抖……系统任务三:一千零一夜任务开启,请从现在开始,每天为你的王子讲一个故事,讲满1001个为止。骆臻彻底愤怒了:!??靠!我哪来的什么王子!攻:我在这里。——骆臻曾经问过系统为什么会找上他,系统只是淡淡的问道:你小时候被下过毒吗?骆臻:下过。系统:你被绑架过吗?骆臻:是的。系统:你能听得懂小动物说话吗?骆臻:可以。系统:大家是不是都以为你的麻烦能化解是因为一个强大的男人?骆臻:是……什么?不是!攻:是的,没错。系统:那你就是我找了很多年的公主了!!!【预收文】:《当替身男配有了山海经系统》一觉睡醒多了四个爹《当备胎男配有了博物馆系统》异世界小说《全球旅行无限》灵异无限烧脑文点进专栏就可以收藏啦【基友已开的文】:《提起废后朕就心痛》by满种超级好看哒!PS1主角就是原主,并不是真正意义上的穿书2,所有人物都没有原型,全是虚构3,文案灵感来源于微博迪士尼公主梗各位书友要是觉得《当炮灰男配有了公主系统娱乐圈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-103996 >>


内容简介:  重生孙策,雄霸三国。  一梦醒来,成了小霸王孙策,亲爹孙坚正在襄阳作战,命悬一线。  爹要救,江山要打,乱世和美人都要拯救,但事情却不是想象的那么简单。  袁绍四世三公很强大,江东 缺马难争霸。天子年少很聪明,读书人自负又天真。黄巾余波尚未平,门阀已经现雏形。名臣猛将只是舞台上的影子,背后还有无形的手。  有痛快,有遗憾,更有无奈,但初心不变。  用一点先见之明,集结良臣猛将的智慧和坚强,铸就一个强大文明的脊梁。  这是我的三国,我是小霸王孙策。  ——  老庄书友群:23470572,欢迎入裙!1w0-3730 >>


内容简介:何森一朝从民国穿越到异世界,被一只巨狼叼回了窝里。他颤颤巍巍想拼死一搏,怎知巨狼摇身一变,变成了一个高大俊美的男子,压着他又舔又抱,餍足道:“你是我的雌性,我不会像其他雄性一样关着你, 但你不准乱跑,要一直呆在我身边。”被糊了一脸口水的何森:“哈?”对方一本正经道:“我们以后要两个崽就行,一雌一雄,一个像你一个像我。”何森:“……”这个妖怪在说什么,怎么一句都听不懂。等他看到满街抱崽的“雌性”,再看看身边宠溺的望着自己的“雄性”,何森目光呆滞,抱着肚子瑟瑟发抖。要命,已经播种完毕辽。——————心思深沉暗搓搓搞事我媳妇说的都对听到没狼狗攻X犹犹豫豫正直傻白甜因时常被骗而突变腹黑温柔受先恋爱后种田。【排雷】1生子。2第一章背景冗长、故事深沉,可直接跳第二章,不影响全文阅读。【调整更新时间,晚912点日更】~推荐自己的生子预收~《懒蛋首富的家养魔王》:兴致缺缺啥事儿都没劲全球首富攻X野心勃勃就要征服地球傲娇魔王受首富母胎单身三十年,想恋爱了,给自己捏了个对象。谁知道刚捏完,异世界的魔王大人就穿过来了。魔王大人寄人篱下,在家撒娇精,出门大魔王。统治世界经费不够就嘤嘤嘤找老攻要钱买买买,一转头气势汹汹指使小弟世界范围搞破坏。首富老攻眼皮子一抬发现他的两幅面孔,正准备囚起来当金丝雀养,金丝雀魔王嘤嘤嘤的哭泣。告诉首富他有了宝宝,他还有产前抑郁症,不让他搞破坏他就自残自杀自抱自泣。首富:……一个纸片人哪里来的宝宝。如果您喜欢狼老攻想和我生崽,别忘记分享给朋友作者:鼠丰所写的《狼老攻想和我生崽》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-105997 >>


内容简介:《丞相大人的小娇妾重生》简介:盛情?她流苏紫已经不指望了,刚才还在心里夸这个丫鬟得体,如今看来,这个丫鬟的的确确是脑子进水了(王妃她只想守寡)。没办法,主人都是脑残一个,她流苏紫还指望 着丫鬟有什么出息?其实流苏紫很想大声说,既然是盛情,那你去领便是了(王妃她只想守寡)。这样的男人,她流苏紫可不担保是不是有什么病,他当她流苏紫是什么人?但好说歹说,也是她的救命恩人,流苏紫再度以笑脸相迎,淡淡一笑道:“姑娘说笑了,我并非是什么姑娘,而是一个已婚的女人,如今来到这里,也无非是安胎之所,家中夫君在外经商,你家主人若是饥不择食,本夫人这就回去给公子准备一个姑娘(王妃她只想守寡)。”饥不择食,流苏紫觉得自己这个词,用的实在是太恰当了。眼前的死男人,如今不是饥不择食,还是什么?流苏紫只觉得自己这一招,实在是太高了,面前的丫鬟已经是面色苍白,而那丫鬟身后原本得意洋洋的逍遥公子,更是脸上一阵青一阵白的(王妃她只想守寡)。。1w0-84896 >>




内容简介:一个是脑洞突破天际的戏剧学院表演系毕业高材生,一个是傲娇毒舌身世成谜的已故女明星私生子,因为一份被迫签订的合约,不得不走上炒绯闻的道路。许安然:“哎?你知道我们的CP粉里出了个分析大神 吗?角度好刁钻啊!特别是剖析你的心理活动!看得我都快信以为真了!”邢傲霆:“哦,那个是我。”许安然:“……?”rn1w0-73980 >>



Tonari No Jijou

From Shinmakoku Scanlations : That day, Miyata, who is still preparing for his university exam, got home and found not his brother, but an unknown man. That man, Shirai, has just moved into the neighbourhood. He looks at Miyata's messy test sheets and offers, 'Shall I teach you?' With his airy smile and nearly perfect self, Shirai forcefully becomes Miyata's private tutor... and Miyata slowly becomes interested in Shirai...


Every night a young woman would try to end her life under the moonlight, on one night she meets a man...

Tenshi No Pocket

From ShoujoMagic]: A collection of short stories 1) Angel's Pocket (Tenshi no Pocket) - When Sui refuses to date a stalker guy at school, he's insistent to the point of being scary. Sui starts to run, but then slips on the stairs... and lands on top of Taki -- the school delinquent! The stalker is still in pursuit, so Sui makes like she's going to run again, but Taki grabs her and kisses her!? The stalker gives up... and although one of Sui's problems has gone away, she now has a whole new one: Taki demands compensation for saving her. She has to become his slave...!? It's out of the frying pan and into the fire for poor Sui! 2) To You, the Avante-gardes - High school senior Mishima Kasuga hates the fact that she can't say no to anyone's requests... especially now that it has attracted the 200% weirdo junior Ikeda Tomoo to her. Rumor has it that when he wants something, he'll chase it to the ends of the earth. Can Kasuga find the nerve to say no to him? Or, better question: Does she want to...? She's going to have to figure it out soon, because graduation is coming up, and there's an entire junior class of girls who've developed crushes on Tomoo since Kasuga punched the glasses off his surprisingly handsome face! 3) I Have Love - Minazuki Kaoru, age 17, is a high school junior who still makes embarrassing mistakes like a freshman, but this one has got to be her worst... she accused the handsome goateed guy of being a pervert, ran away from him, and then found out that he's Nachi Takeshi, age 22, her new student teacher! He wanted to be a novelist, but turned to teaching when he realized he had no talent for it. All the girls in class are attracted to his boyish charm, yet he seems to lavish his most immature moments on Kaoru. In spite of herself, Kaoru wants to know more about Nacchan's world, through his novels. What will it take to make him open his books -- and his heart! -- to her...? 4) 9 o'Clock Bomb - Sakada Mayu was saved from a tight spot on the street by Nagato Hiroshi, a cute boy from her class, and then got a little too obvious about her attraction to him. That's when they were stopped by a photographer and asked to participate in a 'best couple' competition. Mayu was hesitant, Nagato wasn't -- and they won first prize! They're not really a couple, but now Mayu wants to change that... She gathers all her courage and coerces him into going with her to the fireworks festival at 9:00 PM -- and something's bound to explode!

Wagamama Na Jun'ai

Our heroine is a cute girl named Miyo-chan. The story begins at a train station, where Miyo has just gathered up all her courage and is about to confess her love to her long-time crush Honda-kun. However, things don’t go quite like how Miyo planned. In a strange mishap, Miyo ends up confessing her love, but not to Honda (who has boarded the train and is now behind doors that are sliding shut)! Instead, when she opens her eyes to peek at her love interest to see what his reaction to her declaration is, she is shocked to see another guy standing in front of her. A very… large… guy. A very… intimidating and mean looking guy… Oops! Miyo has confessed to the wrong guy! Even worse, the guy she did confess to is a well-known guy at her school. His name is Kuratarou, and he is SCARY. Everyone at school is afraid of him because he is tall, mean-looking, and speaks in a rude and menacing way to them all. Kuratarou is definitely NOT school prince material. He is pretty much the opposite of the school prince type of guy. Even worse, he seems to be a friend of Honda-kun!

Hero Tales from American History

Hero Tales from American History summary: Hero Tales from American History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hero Tales from American History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Perjur'd Husband

The Perjur'd Husband summary: The Perjur'd Husband summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Perjur'd Husband. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Warlock - The Warlock Unlocked

Warlock - The Warlock Unlocked summary: Warlock - The Warlock Unlocked summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Warlock - The Warlock Unlocked. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wang Ye Captures His Wife

Wang Ye Captures His Wife summary: Jade Hunter? The man which many women want to meet? If she really was a girl, then if she were to dress in a female attire… wouldn’t she look beautiful and refine? She is his fiancee? Could it be that she disguised herself as a man to avoid marriage? She would rather go catch thieves and hunt for bandits than to marry this w.a.n.gye? No, he will not let this happen! She is bound to be his! For the arrest of a bandit, she became the hostage and jumped off a cliff? Dead? …Nonsense! He does not believe! She is destined to become his wife, and he will find her… Found her! Although she repeatedly denied and repeatedly avoided him, he will find a way to let her fall in love with him!

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