
















简介烈日余光下,层叠青葱旁,都残留着当年相互追逐、相互争吵,以及那些喜怒无常的影子,这些影子如同蒙上了一层记忆的薄纱,让人心生温暖,连笑容都不由自主的放松了很多。 时隔15年,那久违的心脏,像是复苏了一般。 终于还是,回来了……
















内容简介:小兵提供孤雪夜归人大神最新作品《斗罗之我的武魂通万界》最新章节列表,斗罗之我的武魂通万界全文阅读,斗罗之我的武魂通万界无弹窗,请关注斗罗之我的武魂通万界吧,本站最新最快更新斗罗之我的武 魂通万界的最新章节。1w0-66623 >>




内容简介:  本书为大狙回归经典文风的全新力作《古神的诡异游戏》一个室友的离奇死亡。一个诡异的神秘游戏。这个游戏能让你赢得一切这个游戏也能让你输的万劫不复。唯一的问题是——你敢玩么。1w0-20 91 >>


内容简介:鬼吃人,妖惑心,霊界幽幽锁怨仇人心埋,道行浅,须弥欺欺禁孽缘莫氏山庄莫燃,年方十八,名门之后,就在庄主继承大典这天,不速之客血洗山庄,庄中上下五百多条人命无一幸免,一代名门就此除名江湖 莫家村莫燃,同名不同命,21世纪不作死就不会死的典型女命盘斗转,强者之魂浴血重生!展开在脚下的却是一段匪夷所思的修炼之路!神秘疯老头1w0-78002 >>


内容简介:  和谐全家,发家致富。  十里八乡一朵俏金花!  ……  1w0-84


内容简介:传闻云城陆家二公子,脾气乖戾,时而温顺时而暴戾,手段非常,在商场上常令对手闻风丧胆的存在。却不知道,陆公子有一位被捧在心尖儿上的女人。某女:“陆先生,外面人说我为求上位,不择手段的勾引 你。”陆公子:“屁,明明是我要上你,死皮赖脸扒着你。”某女:……陆公子说:遇见沈星舒前,他不信什么一见钟情。可后来真遇上了,才知道原来,一见钟情,二见倾心,三见终生。是真的。1w0-29237 >>


内容简介:农村憨厚小伙张晓凡,偶然得到造化玉瓶,成女娲传人,习太极医经。身怀失传华夏古医术,生死人,肉白骨,被尊为华夏唯一仙医!张晓凡却只想在村子里呆着,没事给村花把把脉,再给空姐看看手。今天去 嫂子家里吃豆腐,明天到寡妇家里下面条,小日子舒舒服服。“张仙医,首富已经在村口站着等了三个小时了,您看什么时候见他?”张晓凡享受着姐姐的按摩:“等着,没空!”笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《桃源小医仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79128 >>


内容简介:先结婚后追人霸道军官爱上我(?生活在普米星球C区的林暮川,被大佬看中后嫁到A区。婚宴之后再没见过名义上的老公,林暮川一气之下偷偷报名了基地招兵。结果……总教官居然就是自己老公!———— ——————————寒迁:不管在什么情况下,都要保证自己不受外界干扰作出最精准的判断,教官只是摸你几下就软了?林暮川咬着唇反驳:我、我没有……寒迁:留在训练场加训林暮川:哦……训什么?寒迁:训你身为我妻子的行为举止寒迁:考核不达标,晚上来我办公室受罚。然后他被自己教官按着亲了一晚上。ps:1攻八百年前暗恋受x,甜宠苏撩四个大字2矜持美人受X腹黑强势攻【晚九点更新】大家不要养肥呀先看为敬呀QAQ本文入V,请支持正版哟~盗文退散!嘛哩嘛哩哄!不接受写作指导,弃文不必告知,相互尊重阿里嘎多。下本求收藏:《我老公不傻,贼凶!》苏袂穿越到星际帝国,嫁给了一个有权有势呼风唤雨的……傻王子!最初苏袂随遇而安,然后他很快发现,自己原身是个卧底?老公变傻也是原身导致的?突然变成恶毒王妃的苏袂表示不知所措。看着对自己有求必应、宠的无法无天的傻老公,苏袂握拳决定叛变,谁都不能伤害自己的傻大腿正在苏袂保护傻老公步步为营时,那个傻子忽然……清醒了!邬昼:“之前谁欺负我老婆的,排队来领子弹。”苏袂:“就是!过来挨打!”邬昼:“嚼舌根的,舌头都割了。”苏袂:“就是!割了!”邬昼:“听说你跟六弟有一腿?”苏袂:“就是!……不是、这个真不是!”“你还是他派过来的卧底?”“我不是、唔!”然后苏袂被狠♂狠教训了一顿。可甜可盐受X前期傻后期A爆攻受有金手指,可窥探人心基友的文~耽美:《Gay我能涨粉,真的》廿小萌→吃鸡主播文现言:《小白兔,白又软》白汐兮→好看的小甜饼1w0-117929 >>


内容简介:大四学生段天瑞玩《天下第一》玩到关服!五年近乎单机的网游让他成为了整个游戏的排行榜第一,各种宝物、宠物、法宝都是极品。谁知道关服这一天,游戏映射现实,男主成为了实实在在的世界第一大佬! 高冷美女辅导员竟然是软萌可爱的游戏老婆……1w0-55034 >>




内容简介:被诬陷为举世震惊的连环爆炸案凶手,阴谋破坏上古城墙、刺杀教派领袖的“史上最恶之人”,他蒙受不白之冤,又失去往昔的记忆。我不曾想过,他是如何顶着逆风,冷对千夫所指,步步攀行。我只知道,当 世界需要他时,他从未背过身去。他拾起荆棘,惩戒世间一切肮脏与罪恶。不久后,我听说他家里有棵树,很多人挂在上面。分享书籍《执荆罚者》作者:九道督1w0-68028 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:明末:无限暴兵】崇祯十五年,大明江山摇摇欲坠,天灾人祸不绝。李自成肆虐中州,杀福王,围开封,势力初成。满清鞑子降朝鲜,横扫原漠北,积蓄力量。林峰携《帝国时代》 穿越而来,开荒、扩田、晒盐、开矿、炼钢,无限暴兵。神州大地,谁主沉浮?暴兵十万、百万、千万,横扫一切,碾压一切!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-49892 >>


Noda-sensei sends me a signal from the other side of his cold, silver-rimmed glasses. 'This will appear on the test. Remember this?' But Sensei, is that really the signal you wish to send me? Teacher and pupil, teacher and alumni, upper-and underclassmen, classmates who were childhood friends; drawn here are various love affairs born and growing inside the schoolhouse.

Hitorijime Theory

Series of oneshots, some of which feature recurring characters. 1) Theory of Monopoly Sakura and Tachihana have been sharing an apartment and the only bed (platonically) for the past two years. Now as graduation day approaches, is it time for Tachihana to move out? Is there some miscommunication going on? Why have they lived together for 2 years? Will they work it out before Tachihana moves and they never see each other again? 2) Rules of Falling in Love Wakamiya has liked Takao's face for the past 3 years. Now an assistant sensei has come to their college whose face Wakamiya also likes. Sensei shares a love of sweets with Wakamiya, but when he invites them both to his office, it might be Takao he really wants to see. How does Takao feel about all this? 3) Rules of Engagement Continuation of the couple from chapter two. 4) Special Extra School scenes of couples 1, 2, and the sensei. 5) Smile for You Businessman Hirose is always being helped by his coworker, Nagakura. Nagakura even ties his tie for him! Where is all this closeness leading? 6) Thank You for Taking Care of Me Miyoshi is spoiled by his lover and coworker Matsunaga. Miyoshi is always venting his frustrations on Matsunaga, but will he go too far? 7) Afterword


Yonagahiko - a god(?) with a human face and a serpentine body - lives on a mountain-side with a small, mysterious boy named Tetsuichi. There is a popular legend about that mountain; a legend which tells the tale of a human who once slew the mountain god and gained possession of his powers...

Stars And Dawn

Secret crushes turn into a love square.The boy I've had a secret crush on for four years kissed me in my dream Is it true that my family members have dreams that predict future events? Four characters, entangled relationships, and clashing desires. When it comes to their future and love, how will they make choices in the final year of school?

Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College

Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College summary: Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Vampire Chronicles

Vampire Chronicles summary: *Free book*Nicole is your average high school student looking for love in her junior year when she comes across a handsome boy named Charles. Nicole is a bubbly/nice person with decent grades. She suffered depression for a very long time but bundled it up and kept to herself. She is a 16 year old junior in high school.Charles is a mysterious kid that was new to Jackson high school. A thousand...

Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei summary: She is a two-faced and fierce hidden ghost doctor,
Before crossing, she was despised by everyone and is widely known as a “waste”.
The contract of the ancient spirit,
The cultivation speed that rivals the G.o.ds,
She will show everyone just how blind they are.
With poisonous powder in her hand, who dares to bully her people! they are looking for death!
What Ninth grade medicine pellet? Her adorable pet eats them like a jelly bean.
He’s so capricious! He who is always coquettish at her named as the “Night Prince”, everyone thought he was cold and indifferent, but why in her eyes he was so difficult, haunting.
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“I wonder when you will become my woman.”
A fine needle was pressed against his waist, she laughed
“Prince, you keep urging this devil, if this poison really goes in you, you can only be a eunuch in this life!”

My Wayward Ex-Wife

My Wayward Ex-Wife summary: Mu Huanqing despised two people in her life. – The first was the Emperor, who had terrible matchmaking skills; the second was the Duke of Zhen Yuan, who was forced into a marriage with her due to the imperial edict. He did not like her and had contempt for her family, the Mu family, for using this marriage to climb up the social ladder. Because of Mu Huanqing, he couldn’t marry his sweetheart and could only make her a lowly concubine. She also didn’t care for him as she was originally living a free and leisurely lifestyle. Who knew that one imperial edict would end her happy days, causing her to be forcefully married to the cold, arrogant, and unmanageable Fu Yanlin? Not long after their marriage, he made her move into a manor in the country side, letting her live on her own. However, she didn’t care for it and instead even gave birth to an obedient and outstanding daughter. But one day, the husband who abandoned her suddenly appeared at the countryside manor, destroying her peaceful days. He was still cold and arrogant, but a reserved air of authority was added to him as time pa.s.sed. She didn’t know what type of plan he had concocted If he came to bully her treasured daughter, she would definitely break all ties with him! The little daughter widened her innocent eyes, looking at the demon that no one else could see. “I’m scared!” The demon gently pinched the little girl’s beautiful face: “Don’t be scared. The person your dad wants to bully isn’t you, but your mom.”

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