










原神 - 多人






















内容简介:同学,请自重新御书屋同学,请自重新御书屋小说阅读其他小说类型小说同学,请自重新御书屋由作家就是阿蛮创作◇3W點2qq點て哦Mノ校园h文久别重逢职场py,有剧情,有纯情有色情,男主学霸, 同班同学,调教养成系……小兵提供同学,请自重新御书屋最新章节同学,请自重新御书屋最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-103938 >>




内容简介:《我的元神能寄托天道》简介:其他深渊魔神有所考虑,八臂独眼巨魔,自然也有他自己的打算若是那股气机泄漏的所在,真的是一道进入世界之内的捷径,他自然能够更快的进入世界,获取更多的好处,就是 不能,他也没有太多的损失,无非就是空跑一趟而已(我的系统异能)。总之,这也算是双方都比较满意的一个结果了(我的系统异能)。在计议已定之后,八臂独眼巨魔的一条手臂突然伸出,向着下方的深渊战场抓去。“轰隆隆!”一只遮天蔽日的大手落下,在深渊战场敌我双方的震惊目光当中,将亿万的深渊恶魔,一把抓在了掌中,方才徐徐的收回手掌(我的系统异能)。这其中,自然便都是他的手下了。八臂独眼巨魔若是独自离去,其他深渊魔神对于他的手下,可不会进行什么照拂(我的系统异能)。。1w61661-66773 >>


内容简介:本是一名有大好前途的脑外科医生,她坚贞保守,视节操为生命。但是上天跟她开了一个大大的玩笑,竟让她穿越到一位王爷的床上,才知道自己是一位被王爷厌恶鄙视的王妃,还被自己的亲妹妹各种整治。幸 好,幸好,新时代的女性,尤其是靠拿刀混饭吃的女医生也不是那么好对付的,且看她如何在王府与皇宫混出个人模狗样!1w0-2604 >>


内容简介:AD,是一种信仰。C是一份承诺。自从微笑将carry的责任赋予了AD这个位置,那么,我的责任就是将ADCarry延续下去!重回到S5赛季之初,即将迎来最辉煌和最低谷的lpl赛区。前世的 错过与后悔,就让这辈子的我来弥补吧!每一年的凯旋出征,败兴而归,无数粉丝破碎的梦!那么,就让重生回来的我带给你们不一样的惊喜与感动吧!对线,我不虚。打团,我输出。我是一名ADC,ADCarry。我的目标,是世界冠军!1w0-128188 >>


内容简介:【表面温和实际腹黑校草x大大咧咧全能院花】*隔壁班班长霍兰溯,标准别人家的孩子。人帅性格温和,长相气质精准踩到君知渺的审美线上,天天让君知渺心痒难耐。想给人告白又怕被拒,只能趁着醉酒提 小小请求。君知渺:我能跟你做朋友吗?霍兰溯:可以啊,考到专业前五就答应你。君知渺:…你是在耍我吗,我之前是年级倒数第十诶?*期末成绩本书关键词:浪漫青春《学霸校草白切黑》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、混沌效应:撕裂末日、茅山关门弟子、日常系影视世界、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、我的天赋是无敌、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、神级插班生、对待敌人的正确打开方式、三国帝皇之万界征战、福晋有喜:爷,求不约、星际之亡灵帝国、都市娱乐之全能大明星、特种兵之极限战神、秋以为期、忍界神话:最强砂隐、九龙圣祖、从西伯利亚开始建立帝国、小娇妻,你被捕了!、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、我!无双战将、那个被我活埋的人、大唐开局变身杀神白起、一枝、逆天抽奖在漫威、玄幻末日之灭世之龙、我的极品美女总裁、我!神级元素师、盛宠娇妻1w0-86857 >>


内容简介:苏轻来到洪荒灭世大劫后掉落的碎片世界,发现洪荒已经死寂,唯有这里诞生了人道文明。三千仙域和平稳定,繁荣昌盛,但经过十二万年的发展,工具不断进步,人口持续大爆炸,灵气资源越来越稀缺。携九 个宇宙胚胎精华而来的苏轻,拥有无穷无尽的灵气。他买下一个荒芜的农场当起了农民,养养灵兽灵鱼,种种仙果仙药,尝试下这个仙道文明的新奇玩意,日子过得潇洒自在。山不在高,有仙则名。农场在不知不觉中成了排名第一的洞天福地之时,原本名不副实的仙域,也在苏轻不断努力种田下,成长为真正的仙域大世界!苏轻:“总有一天,我要种出一个超过洪荒的仙域大世界!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我在仙域当农民》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82487 >>




内容简介:“林先生,对于您被提名‘感动华夏’候选人名单这件事您有什么感想?”——某记者。‘我只是顺手做了几件小事……’“今日流行天后沈溪与您微博互动,并称赞您是一名天才,请问,您觉的您是一名天才 吗?”‘低调,低调——’1w0-75996 >>






内容简介:晚九点更。——奉高高三转来一个女生叫程弥,长得格外漂亮,以往交的男朋友都是性子狂傲那类。后来有段时间程弥却换了口味,追起了高二年级一弟弟,那弟弟意外不是她喜欢的野路子那类,长得好看是好 看,就是白得跟个病人似的。有好友问她怎么突然吃起司庭衍这款了,程弥说:“别的吃腻了,换换口味。”她扬言三十天后就会把司庭衍拿下。结果二十八天后,程弥跟别的男生在一起了,说对弟弟没兴趣了。那天高二一班一同学打扫完教室准备离开前在地上捡到了一张纸条。上头分明就是她们班年级第一司庭衍的字迹。——程弥骗我。——她说要追我三十天,她没有。——她和别人在一起了。——程弥不喜欢我了。病秧子腹黑男主×风情万种女主磨牙最新章节地址:1w0-76903 >>

Koakuma Kiss

From Midnight Scans: After my Mom got married to her second husband, it made Chinatsu my younger brother. At first, I thought he was surely a perfect brother after seeing his angel-like smile, however, the truth is that he is really a pervert and very ill tempered! I was surprise when I found out my angel-like younger brother is really a little devil?! Will I just allow him to abuse me?! Includes: Koakuma Kiss (Kiss by the Small Devil) Motto Koakuma Kiss (Kisses by the Small Devil) Motto Motto Koakuma Kiss (More and More Kisses from the Small Devil) Koakuma kiss -Again- (Kiss by the Small Devil -Again-) Kimi no Junjou, Otome no Jijou (Your Pure Heart, Maiden's Situation).

Dragon Nest: Shungeki No Sedo

Based on Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). The beautiful Goddess Altea, creator of the tranquil worlds of Lagendia, plummeted into unconsciousness after being poisoned by her jealous, evil sister Vestinel. The poison can only be neutralized by an antidote made from the source of the poison itself - Vestinel's magic grail - which has disappeared into Lagendia along with sinister Vestinel herself. Able to communicate to her people only through dreams, the Goddess Altea calls upon the Heroes of Lagendia, via all-knowing prophets, to find the grail and save her from her eternal slumber. In their quest, the bold warriors must comb the lands for enchanged Power Stones, which allow them to speak with the prophets and unlock the will of Altea through her dreams. But the hunt for the Power Stones is not for the meek, as since the Goddess Altea's poisoning, the formerly peaceful lands of Lagendia have become home to throngs of deadly dragons bent on thwarting the grail's discovery and keeping the land in despair.

Kekkon Kirai No Sankyoudai

In the Kekkon Kirai no Sankyoudai series(????????; The Three Marriage-Hating Brothers), also called the 'Billion-Dollar Braddocks' series: 1) Onzoushi no Yuuutsu (??????; The C.E.O.'s Unplanned Proposal): Cinderella by Mistake! When a case of mistaken identity landed Katie Canton in the Braddock world of wealth and power, she couldn't resist the temptation to mingle with the famous family. Especially fascinating eldest brother, Adam. Getting the commanding C.E.O. to loosen up was a worthy cause -- until Katie realized the danger of opening her heart to a man whose master plan did not include Ms. Nobody from Nowhere! The unshakeable Adam was all shook up -- and a slip of a woman was to blame. Mysterious Katie had tilted his ordered world off its axis. Would the man who had everything recognize the one gift money couldn't buy -- a lifetime of love? 2) Koi wa Butoukai de (??????; The Playboy's Office Romance): Spoiled...Braddock! Lara Richmond couldn't believe that irresponsible playboy, Bryce Braddock, would be CEO of Braddock Industries -- and Lara's new boss. Surely the tabloids' favorite Braddock brother would grow bored without his fast cars and faster women? Lara wasn't about to examine why the thought of enduring Bryce's maddening presence every day caused her heart to beat faster! Bryce reveled in the chance to prove his right to the Braddock legacy. And to provoke no-nonsense Lara Richmond. Until one intense encounter hinted that their battle of wills hid an earth-shattering passion. It was time for a new corporate strategy -- a takeover of the heart! 3) Lady e no Kaidan (???????; The Blacksheep's Arranged Marriage): The Braddock blood ran fierce and true in Peter Braddock. Yet his scandalous past kept the youngest Braddock sibling from feeling he really belonged in the elite society his family ruled. Perhaps that's what made him defend shy, awkward Theadosia Berenson -- the ugly duckling debutante -- and landed him in trouble that led to a marriage proposal! Thea knew Peter felt honor-bound to propose. But the perpetual wallflower couldn't say no to the man who stirred her secret fantasies. Though she tried to hide her tender feelings, one kiss revealed a shocking desire between them. Would the spark ignite a fire -- and lead two lonely hearts home? (from fictiondb)

Viva Love You

Lee Si-Hyun runs a late night podcast that deals with matters of the heart. Her friends listen as she gives them advice on how to deal with their relationships. The only trouble is, she's never fallen in love in her life. All that might change when a new teacher shows up at her school...

English Embroidered Bookbindings

English Embroidered Bookbindings summary: English Embroidered Bookbindings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of English Embroidered Bookbindings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Have A

I Have A 'System' Halo summary: 《I Have a “System” Halo [Quick Wear]》 The system said, we must take the plot seriously! Mo Fan: Ok. The system added, we cannot be OOC! Mo Fan: Yes. Lastly, the system said, we have to be cold, we must be ruthless, we cannot lose ourselves in this imaginary world. Mo Fan: …no problem. Not long after… Mo Fan: System, can we talk? Hold my gong and take him away. System: ……

Lord Of Snow And Shadows

Lord Of Snow And Shadows summary: Lord Of Snow And Shadows summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lord Of Snow And Shadows. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon

Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon summary: Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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