


类别悬疑 热血 冒险 日漫






简介已完结。 机缘巧合之下,女神与小胖妹互换身体,怎么偏偏在这正爽的当口!看小胖妹绝地反击各种人渣!看女神如何认识什么是爱……
























内容简介:关于奥特曼之迪加战神:三千万年前的超古代文明,究竟是如何诞生,又是如何覆灭?迪加奥特曼在三千万年前,又是如何一步步从黑暗中走出,最终成为光明最强战士?在人类和恋人之间,迪加的人间体大古 又是如何做出了抉择谨献给喜欢迪加的朋友们,希望大家喜欢!1w0-77364 >>


内容简介:【本作品来自互联网本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有【内容简介】故事发生在一个名叫蓝天航空公司的公司里。空姐这个职业在一般人眼中是个很好的工作,但伴随着各种工作压力空姐的私生活是很不 规律的,尤其性生活是常人无法想象的Yin乱,而且由于上班都要穿着高跟鞋,在机舱里一站就是好几个小时,所以各个空姐的脚是臭得不得了,但是对于那些喜欢闻脚舔脚的男人来说那可都是极品啊,而这个蓝天航空公司里就是以汇集了众多Yin脚骚妇出名的,这全是因蓝天航的老总孙雨就是个恋足狂,美女的秀足,妖媚的臭Yin脚,形状秀美的嫩脚趾,涂着各色晶莹润泽的指甲油,他是喜欢的不得了,以下的故事就是发生在蓝天航空公司里这些Yin荡美脚空姐身上的Yin乱记录。上传者书籍介绍:发个全的给大家爽一下1w0-70574 >>


内容简介:白寻音初中毕业那年无意间被应激创伤,成了不能开口说话的‘小哑巴’高中第一年,她一直是在周围人的冷嘲热讽和歧视欺凌中度过的直到高二的时候,白寻音遇到了喻落吟他清隽,优雅,剑眉星目,是校草 ,更是全校女生的梦想但于白寻音而言,喻落吟是第一个护着她,对她笑,给她讲题,跟她一起吃午饭的人少年时期的暧昧来的汹涌而朦胧,白寻音高二那年的日记本写满了‘喻落吟’三个字白寻音不奢求喻落吟喜欢她,只是没想到高三那年,会在走廊拐角处无意中看到他的‘真面目’喻落吟清隽优雅的表皮下是斯文败类,他对他那两个玩世不恭的狐朋狗友笑着说——“小哑巴开始喜欢我了,打赌到此为止,陪着她早就腻了。”白寻音不会说话,可眼睛会哭。自那以后,她没给过喻落吟一个正眼。直到喻大少爷冷嘲,热讽,摔桌子,道歉,甚至自残各种方式都还是没用之后,他不得不单膝跪在白寻音面前,眼眶通红声音嘶哑的求——“音音,原谅我一次,这辈子不敢了。”各位书友要是觉得《痛症》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29531 >>




内容简介:  灵根残缺的少年,得神秘女子传授一部无上妖典,踏上修行之路。自此,一代妖孽崛起于天荒,令仙魔颤抖,诸圣俯首。1w0-28


内容简介:《余生不要再爱你》是陆湛霆戚熙精心创作的言情小说,长风文学网实时更新余生不要再爱你最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的余生不要再爱你评论,并不代表长风文学网赞同或者支持余生不要再爱 你读者的观点。1w0-68765 >>


内容简介:  李乘风穿越了,遇到逍遥子,成为了逍遥派的小师弟,本以为抱上金大腿,可以随便浪,却发现这个世界和他想象的有点不一样。嵩山少林,有千丈佛陀金光万丈。峨眉金顶,有飘渺剑仙御剑乘风。昆仑山 下,有魔道巨枭拳碎虚空。这个世界好危险,好在李乘风激活了系统,签到就能变强。从二师兄无崖子身上签到《北冥神功》,天下武功,无不为我所用。从大师姐巫行云身上签到《八荒六合唯我独尊功》,天上地下,唯我独尊。从师父逍遥子身上签到《逍遥游》,鲲鹏法相,遨游天地!这下子,好像可以随便浪了……1w0-3273 >>


内容简介:现实中我唯唯诺诺,游戏里我重拳出击!修南突然发现,自家电脑上多了一款名叫《超凡世界》的游戏,每一帧都是完美的艺术品!墨骨红钢、苍白骑士、圣人遗骸……赤火金瞳、死河异神、至高图腾……当神 秘的异世界以数据化形式呈现在电脑上的时候,一切艰难险阻瞬间都豁然开朗了……1w0-59637 >>


内容简介:  一个修仙小子的成长史,一个小修仙门派的奋斗史。(不系统,不废材,智商在线,集体发展!)Q群8222613071w0-1230


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:柯南:我才是凶手】古泉一觉得自己要重新穿越一下,别人穿越到柯南世界都是破案装逼,左拥右抱,偏偏他出场就被柯南指认为凶手!!而且连躯体都变得不一样……怎么办?在 线等………飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢柯南:我才是凶手,别忘记分享给朋友作者:我才是凶手所写的《柯南:我才是凶手》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-70303 >>


内容简介:叶枫穿越到斗气大陆,竟成为一名蛇人族。身为美杜莎亲卫一员,这岂不是近水楼台先得女王?开局激活签到系统:奖励功法斗技,异火丹药,等诸天天材地宝……叮!获得异火:三千焱炎火!叮!获得不死之 体:“三千星辰体”!叮!获得魔核武器流刃若火斩魂刀一把!叮!获得七品丹药“天魂融血丹”一枚!咦这是在未雨先绸么?女王的运气真是极好呢!萧炎:为什么我的运气这么差?叶枫:因为你的脑形!!!………………【爽文】【小白】【无敌】【轻松】【有点甜】本书又名《斗破:迎娶美杜莎,暴打萧炎》《斗破:攻略美杜莎,从做亲卫开始》1w0-79168 >>


内容简介:啥,你说知识是第一生产力,没毛病。3028年,人类历史经历了一个大的断代,开启了全民创造世界时代,知识通过创造产生,再通过互相吞噬凝聚,血腥的黑暗森林时代还在延续……如果您喜欢全民打造 世界,别忘记分享给朋友作者:雍洋所写的《全民打造世界》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83428 >>

Hot Road

Kazuki always felt a barrier between her and her mother, because her father, who died when she was still a child, was someone her mother hated. She wasn't a child born out of love. One day, Kazuki is persuaded by a friend to meet Hiroko-san, the girlfriend of the head of the motorcycle gang 'NIGHTS'. And there, she meets Haruyama...

Betrayed Again

There are thousands of scum men in the world, and each has its own scum. They camped step by step, abandoned them all the time, were deeply saving, and playing with emotions. They abandoned the sincerity of others and threw them behind after using it. There was nothing else in their eyes except fame and fortune. The system raised his arm and shouted: Transform it well and be a new person! The sea of suffering is boundless, and it is the shore when you turn around! Heaven is a good reincarnation, and good and evil will eventually be rewarded. When the scumbags who have done all the bad things get a chance to be reborn, they began their hard career of being forced to transform. BiliBili Manga

Never Give Up!

A dad that's a professional model passed on his stunning male looks to his only child, Kiri...but unfortunately, that Kiri is a girl! Tohya Enishi, the love of her life, decides to be a male model, so Kiri fakes her gender and becomes a male model alongside him. But things get really complicated when others start to fall for Kiri and her male alter ego!

Mushroom College

From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Lin is an average high school girl who has a huge crush on Daiwen, a popular TV host. Super Pop singer Gonjieh, who is Daiwen's enemy, transferred 6 months ago to Mushroom College. Phoebe and Jia are Lin's best friends and luckily end up in the same class. Unfortunely for them, Lienze, the no.1 delinquent in her school and who scares the living daylights out of Lin, also happens to be in her class. To make things worse, Lin's uncle appears, who she says is the root of all trouble. How will Lin survive?

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete summary: Welcome to the world of Kancolle RPG! This book tells a story about a novice admiral and his interesting kanmusu (ship girls). But, this book is a little different from a normal story. This book, tells a “Roleplaying” story.
“Roleplaying”, is a type of game that you play with other people where you read lines from the book as if you’re the one in the story. There are a lot of “Roleplaying” types and this book is specifically a “Table talk” RPG. Read it as if you’re playing kantai collection- Kancole- Kancolle RPG.
This Kancolle RPG is based on a browser game called Kantai Collection. The game itself puts the playerin control of girls that have the memories and powers of warships in the past. The player then must battle a mysterious threat called the “Abyssal Fleet” sighted all around the world. The difference between Kancolle RPG and the browser game, is that you’ll need to use dices, pieces, and follow the rules and scenarios stated by the Kancolle RPG rulebook. Obtaining ship girlsare different too; each player will only get one shipgirl. In table talk RPG, you can ease your mind, the rage, the salt that naturally comes while playing, by gathering friends who have the same hobby, and discuss while playing.
Sometimes you’ll need to face the enemy seriously. Sometimes, you can put yourself in the ship girls’ shoes, and act out their lines. Sometimes you’ll have to go back to yourself, and joke at other character’s line. You playing it happily with your friends are what “Roleplaying” is all about.
A Battleship girl who has just come back from another country, she is generous and having a big heart, Kongou.
A Heavy Cruiser princess with a lack of common sense, k.u.mano.
An eccentric Light Aircraft Carrier, Zuiho.
The serious and a.n.a.lytical Light Cruiser, Kiso.
These are the main girls who play a big part in this book. But, due to the haphazard nature of this game, you won’t be able to play their characters perfectly. Even if you try to, but deep inside, the girls you know are different. Nevertheless, we hope you would be able to enjoy that character gap.
And lastly, we’ll introduce another one of the main characters, Teitoku( the Admiral). He is a young and by-the-book admiral. This novice Admiral is often being played around by the 4 wild girls. He still thinks that “it shouldn’t be like that, it’s not like that”. This hard working Admiral is one of the view points we will be using in this book.
From now, for everyone whose thinking “I’d like to be an admiral in kancolle RPG!” please try it. It will be a good reference!

Ten Thousand Skies Above You

Ten Thousand Skies Above You summary: Ten Thousand Skies Above You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ten Thousand Skies Above You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters

Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters summary: Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sevenwaters: Seer Of Sevenwaters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harper's Young People, September 7, 1880

Harper's Young People, September 7, 1880 summary: Harper's Young People, September 7, 1880 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Young People, September 7, 1880. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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