






















简介“您收到了主线任务。” 长着角的妖怪,熟悉的人物登场…… 太扯了...这是我所读过的小说剧情!










内容简介:因为救人而身死的顾长安醒来之后发现自己穿越重生了。而且还传到了一款能够影响现实的游戏当中,成为了一个生活在最底层的农夫。武侠世界,妖魔横行,还有一年后便会降临的玩家,农夫npc的安全得 不到丝毫保障。好在他拥有玩家模版,还能加点技能使之融合。顾长安从游戏最底层的农夫开始,修习武艺斩杀妖魔,获取经验融合技能……当游戏开启,玩家降临之时,顾长安已经成为了游戏中的大boss,当玩家开始发展之时,他已经成为了武林至尊!当游戏与现实贯通,超凡降临之时,顾长安一步跨出——下一刻!整个世界,臣服在他的脚下!1w0-28340 >>


内容简介:阴差阳错,没有名姓的乡野童养媳一夜成了高门嫡女,告别简衣陋食的日子,开始锦屋绣榻、优哉游哉的贵女生涯。在别人看来,父亲是朱门世家,未婚夫是皇家贵子,就连俊美的表哥也是未来的首辅重臣,此 生本应无憾。可惜她每日晨起总有三问:银子攒够了吗?婚事退了吗?我……可以下岗了吗?1w0-2498 >>


内容简介:神州大地每天都有战争开始和结束,大夏战神遭人暗杀:陨落与不落山脉,独留幼子于世。面临暗杀和下毒,唯有在挥手中剑。犯我国土者杀……辱我百姓者杀……如果您喜欢大夏逍遥王,别忘记分享给朋友作 者:花生配酒所写的《大夏逍遥王》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-81697 >>


内容简介:《重生逆袭大小姐画风不对》简介:下午(阮小冉厉封爵)。在上飞机之前,庄斐还跟夏岚歌通过电话。说是下午4点36分抵达。“好,到时候我派人去接你(阮小冉厉封爵)。”夏岚歌说。“嗯。”庄斐应 下,说:“那一会儿见,我关机了。”“一会儿见(阮小冉厉封爵)。”跟庄斐挂了电话后,夏岚歌呼了口气,就目前而言,一切还算顺利,希望在庄斐来之前,不要再惹出什么事端来才好(阮小冉厉封爵)。另一边。司徒麟从皇权凛那边出来后,就回到自己屋子,开始调监控查询。不过。他并没有追查老徐的下落(阮小冉厉封爵)。反正有皇权凛在,就算老徐现在跑掉了,但迟早也会回来。他现在最重要的任务就是观察皇权家各处的反应(阮小冉厉封爵)。。1w0-73543 >>


内容简介:傅明娴无比纠结的看着那人群中众星捧月的大奸臣。样貌堂堂,身材凛凛,位高权重,一表人才……可惜为什么要是督主呢呢呢…………霸气型简介:大太监何宦无妻!!!……每日更新,质量保证,欢迎入坑 ,欢迎打包带走小衡衡зゝ∠……某浪微博:周自衡本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《何宦无妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84573 >>


内容简介:  聊斋故事多,滋味长,咱得慢慢吹!既然还能再活一回,那就不要混吃等死,得努力学习,天天向上,练好功夫不被人欺负也还能顺便欺负下别人,再到处走一走,看一看,聊斋世界大,多走走,多看看, 你会发现不同的风景,不同的人物。1w0-2418 >>


内容简介:正经版文案苏令蛮这个大胖妞临近及笄,被至亲的表哥退了婚,城野尽嘲,活得像个纯粹的loser但她成功完成了着陆后的反戈一击,成为大梁国朝野皆知的倾国妖姬,不世巾帼;梁史曰:蛮后自定州出, 美冠天下,武帝爱矣,散后宫三千,独尊一人。轻松版文案当你受尽欺负了怎么办?阿蛮:打回去!当你胖得受尽嫌弃怎么办?阿蛮:减减减,减去蝴蝶臂,减去大象腿,管住嘴,迈开腿!当你美得闪瞎各位书友要是觉得《蛮后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67803 >>






内容简介:#任务进行时,请保持严谨#『小姐姐您好,您已绑定绿茶攻略系统,是否了解详情』round1“你男朋友好像生气了,你去陪他吧,我没关系的…”予兮低着头拽着她的衣袖轻轻晃着,不经意抬头,眼圈 红红的,“只是会有点想你而已。”“乖,他不是我男朋友,姐姐陪你。”round2“你对你男朋友真好呀,我要是你男朋友,肯定每天睡觉都要笑醒了……”“不过……上次我还看到你男朋友跟另一个好看的姐姐一起吃饭来着,不过没你好看哦,是你男朋友的亲戚吗?”“他没有亲戚,他是孤儿。”“啊?对不起对不起,我不知道,他……”round3“你跟你男朋友在游戏上怎么都不是情头啊?要是我的话,情头情侣名肯定都跟你用!!”“不用在意这些细节。”“那他在意什么?你跟他换嘛!反正是情侣,你男朋友不会不同意的,上次我还看到他跟另一个姐姐用情头来着。”“……”还是分了吧。×ד靳姐姐……”予兮咽了口口水。“别叫姐姐,叫老公!”1w0-79098 >>


内容简介:高高在上的摄政王说:“我家王妃乡下来的,没见过世面,你们不要欺负她!”那些被摄政王妃抢尽风头的闺门淑妇们气得瑟瑟发抖:我们是欺负她,可为什么最后吃瘪的是我们?风神俊逸的摄政王又说:“我 家王妃不识数,连算盘是啥都不晓得,哪里能挣什么钱?”那些被摄政王妃收购了资产,合并了生意的商户们嘴唇发抽:王爷,王妃建的银号已经全国通用了,您瞎吗?冷傲无敌的摄政王又又说:“我家王妃温柔贤惠,通女则识女训,惟本王之命是从。”管家站在廊下,看着抱着铺盖卷被赶出房的摄政王,“王爷,书房已经收拾出来了……。”1w18314-84168 >>



Conquer The Throne School

Throne High School, is a lawless all-boys private high school with extraordinarily skilled people. Lee Sunwoo, a boy who was sold to Throne High School by his parents, went to the student department to rebuild the missing basketball club. “Hoo, I can’t believe there’s an arrogant stranger who’d enter the student department… It’s been a while.’ The head of the student department suggested closing existing clubs in order to make a basketball club. Lee Sunwoo accepted the suggestion and challenged freshmen and the strongest players in school with his desire for basketball.---(https://manga.bilibili.com/detail/mc32054)

Assembler 0X

In A.D. 1997. Having failed to conqer the Earth, Compiler and Assembler from Another World settle down in the residence of Nati and Toshi Igarashi whom they choose as their partners. As they start their literally unworldly community life, various Sudaran assassins arrive from Another World one after another to attack Compiler and Assembler, until, in good time, all of those begin to turn into old memories... Yes, in 2000, the last year of the century, Assembler has started to lead quite a different life --- a life as a 'human being'......

Koikokoro Koushinchuu

From Fate & Enchantment Scans Ritsuka, a Ryousei student, believes that she’ll find a wonderful boyfriend by following the love legends. After all, her older sister, Aya, followed them, and she got married! Yet every time Ritsuka carries out a legend superstition, Kuze-kun gets in her way… Although they fight all the time, Kuze-kun is always there for her when she’s feeling scared or anxious. While his words are ill-natured, he is kind to her, so Ritsuka feels happy even when she’s mad at him… Ritsuka falls in love with Kuze-kun. After four of the legendary superstitions were completed, Ritsuka and Kuze-kun fell in love with each other, but…?Sequel to KOIGOKORO SENPUKUCHUU

Coulomb Fille

From ANN: The story follows Kanzō Wakai, a 15-year-old who is considered weird due to his hair which has looked like 'dried seaweed' since birth. The boy with the troubled adolescence happens to encounter Noemi Hokari, a mysterious, peculiar girl who believes that she 'cannot touch people.' Were the 'dried seaweed monster' and the 'electrified girl' destined to meet?

Soul Of Negary

Soul Of Negary summary: Heed my call! O’ Dragon of Eternal Sin, the Progressive Disaster, the Forerunner, the Land of Eternal Peace, the Flames of Soul Burning, He Who Owns The Deep Soul, the Sound of Origin, the First Cause of All Things, the Principle of Circles… o’ great Negary, your servant calls for your return!
Within the darkness, someone was harmoniously chanting, he was smiling, as he knew he would finally become one with his G.o.d.
And all of this, came from the remnant soul that was deceived to travelling to a different world and had his Protagonist Aura stolen.


Luna summary: Laneige is pretty and smart, but only thing that she is missing is wealth and last name. A commoner like her can’t really get a good education even though she is smart. And people who are not n.o.bles don’t have last names to verify who they are. There is this one academy in the whole country called Royal Academy. They said it’s for the education, but unless you are rich or already have large amount of knowledge, there is no way for a normal commoner to enter this school. Laneige studied her b.u.t.t off to get out of poverty, and she was able to get into this school, BUT female student spots were filled. The school couldn’t give special treatment to Laneige because then the n.o.bles will uprise and complain to the school. Still the school couldn’t let Laneige go because she had an outstanding grade, so their method was to disguise Laneige as a male and let her stay in the school.
When you are a commoner, you can study your b.u.t.t off to get into the school. But there is still a hierarchy in the school. When commoners enter the school, they are a.s.signed to one child of a n.o.ble who is older than them. Those commoners are called j.a.pry. They are to stay and follow the person to “see” and “learn” better and faster. But that’s only an official excuse. Basically j.a.prys are their personal servants.
Laneige becomes the j.a.pry of the country’s most powerful n.o.ble’s second son. She was prepared to meet a spoiled brat, but he was little different than she thought….

The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance

The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance summary: The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Physics Of Star Trek

The Physics Of Star Trek summary: The Physics Of Star Trek summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Physics Of Star Trek. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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