


类别恋爱 爆笑


















简介陈曦本是一个养女,没有恶毒的继母也没有悲情的童年,反而当了十六年富家小姐,却不想一场突如其来的变故让其身陷困境,也正因如此,陈曦遇见了让她倾心也让她死心的谢庭月,面对陈曦这个仇家之女的谢庭月,本以为一场预谋的婚姻不过是他报仇的手段,可爱情却在悄然发生。 制作工作室:蓬江区大熊设计工作室 作者:ALLENLU 主笔:40599 脚本:多洛 上色:无语 勾线:健忘 每周四更新








[植物][收集][记忆][宇宙]。 以这四件事物为主题,流光溢彩的短篇集。




内容简介:穿越超神宇宙,降临天使星云,开局面对神圣凯莎。“所以,我该怎么办?”看着想要探查自己记忆,却被系统反手镇压的神圣凯莎,孟德陷入纠结中。(主世界:超神学院。穿越世界:天行九歌、灵笼,斗罗 大陆、假面骑士,奥特曼,元龙,复仇者联盟,武庚纪,斗破苍穹等等。诸天流)1w0-99354 >>


内容简介:文案:入v通知:12月2号周三入v,入v当天三章更新!星历88734年。有着帝国第一美人之称的艾薇兰尼福特被帝国周刊评价为‘危险的罂粟’,全星际中不可亵渎的高岭之花,所有人都以为这位第 一美人将会嫁给某位帝国亲王或者政界高层,过上‘金丝雀’般的幸福生活。温离却知道艾薇兰尼福特会是星际联邦第一任总统,推翻腐朽的帝国奴隶制度,创造‘人人平等’的联邦政府。将屡屡陷她于不义的渣女未婚妻手撕后,和两情相悦1w0-48777 >>


内容简介:五年前,叶辰被人当做死狗沉江。五年后,一代天帝强势归来,却意外的发现自己有了一个宝贝女儿。女儿对着夜空许愿:“爸爸,人家想要天上的星星。”叶辰满脸宠溺,屈指一弹,一颗星辰划过苍穹,轰然 落入东瀛国!女儿望着天际发呆:“爸爸,人家想要飞高高。”叶辰微微一笑,隔空一抓,龙族老祖九爪金龙撅着屁股瑟瑟发抖!“爸爸,人家还想要一个弟弟。”1w6358-28981 >>


内容简介:全文已完结(糖果同系列甜宠文《帝国君少又黑化了》)未婚夫另娶第一名媛,云氏被害破产,她更是被媒体逼入绝境。绝望中她找上了谢少,更是传说北谢南王的传承千年豪门谢家,掌控整个A国的所有命脉 。“谢黎墨,我嫁给你,你敢娶我吗?”半晌后,在她的勇气和热情一点点快退却时,他露出潋滟醉人的眸光“我们现在去民政局领证,相信我,未来的谢夫人,你家谢少不会让你有机会后悔的。”1w27127-96233 >>


内容简介:天降无上全能系统。地球平凡人类,孤儿陈天,怒暴强大能量,得到系统认可,给予签订。系统:我这里集齐了万千功法和技能,一部吞天诀足以让你纵横万世。其他技能你嫌太贵,没关系,我可以带你游历各 种位面,无条件学习各种技能《倚天屠龙记》、《天龙八部》等等等等。武功太弱?没关系,还有各种仙侠位面,而且在位面中你有无限的时间,你的寿命将不被计算。御剑术,天罡三十六法,地煞七十二术,等等等等。你怕学习不会?没关系,只要有秘籍在手,我可以帮你学习,照样让你融会贯通,身负百法。七情六欲能量,由我掌控,创世混沌与本源给我控制,万千能力,强悍战斗力,一步步解开自身强大身世。1w0-25477 >>


内容简介:穿越回明末,被追着杀,怎么办?不给别人当兵,自己拉人当大王!打土豪,分田地,搞游击,办抗清书院,走全民战争路线。中原是必须收复的,小日本要连杀带卖的,石见银山,那是我们的!以杀止杀,血 债血偿!打折建奴的狗腿,屠灭杀戮汉人的满虫!山河奄有中华地日月重开大明天!西太平洋是我们的内湖,东印度群岛是我们的殖民地,只要有汉人的地方,就有凤凰旗在烈烈飘扬!中华帝国是一头文明的狮子,请各位船长小心的和他们打交道,不要让他们抓到任何动战争的借口,这样才能保护我们脆弱的东方商路。——东印度公司总督占·彼得逊·昆作者:刃上S所写的《篡明》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-32713 >>


内容简介:  2006年的二月是不平凡的二月。  被主教练提前宣布下赛季弃用的斯坦福学生李真天降奇遇。  “所有酗酒、作风不检点、行为恶劣的篮球运动员们,你们的噩梦来了,你们躺在天赋上坐享其成的 好日子一去不复返了,我将攫取你们的天赋支援李真。”  “那我是什么?”  “是篮球之神啊!”1w0-200 >>


内容简介:【正文完结】预收:《我氪金养成了修仙大佬》求收藏苏桥意外穿书成了其中无脑蠢毒下场凄惨的反派。面对必死的结局,苏桥当即决定在剧情开始前远离权利中心,跑到边远星球做古地球生物科普直播。传言 那里…1w0-100466 >>


内容简介:我,一不小心的重生了,重生之后我变得有点邪恶了,其实也没怎么邪恶,就是没事的时候到美国去找第一夫人谈谈情聊聊天,然后。。。。有功夫的时候去日本找小日本皇太子妃玩玩SM,当然了或者心情不 好的时候去印尼带上几个小弟玩玩屠杀。不过最主要的是我多了一个收集美女的癖好,什么1w0-79437 >>




内容简介:权宦霍决,势力滔天。给他送钱送珠宝送各种珍奇之物的人要踏破他的门槛。当然也有给他送女人的。有一天,有人喜滋滋地送给他一个人妇:“听闻这女子早年曾与大人订亲,后来大人家门遭难,这女子便另 嫁了。现今把她送给大人,大人随意,随意。”别人都以为这当初弃了霍决的女人落在霍决手中绝没有好下场。没人知道,十年前,有个少女千里走单骑,只为了亲口对那遭了宫刑的前未婚夫说:“人这一辈子,不止一条路可走,不过是换了另一条路罢了。难些,但一定要走下去,活出个人样。”那前未婚夫说:“好。”少女落泪道:“那我回去嫁人啦。”那前未婚夫说:“好。”从此她是他心头朱砂痣,不可思,不可触。1w0-2345 >>


内容简介:《正阳门下》中的韩家老六韩文龙,打造科技王朝!《小欢喜》中的学神韩文龙,点燃聚变之光!《凡人修仙传》中的稳健韩文龙,悄悄退至众人身后!《司藤》中的韩文龙,准备养个宠物!《大江大河》中的 韩文龙………………《流金岁月》《隐蔽的角落》《正青春》……各位书友要是觉得《影视世界自正阳门下开始》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76437 >>


Joey wants to be a hero, but he's just an orphan who works day and night to take care of himself and his grandmother. After seeing a commercial for a toy robot, he desperately wants one, thinking the robot will give him the strength to change. The only one he manages to get, is a broken toy tossed aside by a school bully. But later on, he manages to fix it, and name it 'Heroman.' Later on, while walking home, he witnesses Rina (the pretty cheerleader that's always been nice to him) getting kidnapped. Joey tried to intervene, but the kidnapper knocks him aside with ease. Filled with Anguish, Joey grabs Heroman and scream that he wants to be able to change. At that moment, Heroman's controller changes, latches to Joey's arm, and Heroman become a large robot that only Joey can command... + Itazura na kiss manga + Rurouni Kenshin manga

Jade Pill [Yu Dan]

The practitioner's Dan energy originates from the moon sun and five elements, the body has five elements, since all living things have the five elements, regarding the issue if humans can train the Dan, there are two main views: one party believes using people will result in many difficulties, thus they only use the elemental energy from external sources, they are called true practitioners, the other party believes the body is the supreme thing under the heavens, in order to increase their strength exponentially, they use other people, they are called nefarious practitioners. True practitioners and nefarious practitioners' battle, is now unfolding!!! - Gamernissem

How To Beat A Dual Girlfriend

Shindou Yuuichi gets a girlfriend on his first day of high school. The only problem is that she used to bully him mercilessly in middle school and he can't figure out why she's suddenly decided to like him. The next day she seems like an entirely different person. That can't be right, can it?

Sakura Gari

Sakura Gari is gorgeous Taishou Era romantic story, ten years in the making. It centers around the 17 year old Tagami Masataka as he is aiming to find his place in life. While attempting to start prep school as a rounin he encounters Saiki Souma, the son of a distinguished noble of the Saiki Koushyaku family and becomes part of the Saiki household . It seems as though this will be the story of Tagami's life, taking us through both him growing up physically and emotionally. Be aware that there is sexual and yaoi (boy x boy) content within this story. The first chapter is only getting us started... -- Manga Updates


Abiogenisis summary: An Edgy Human of Questionable Sobriety Asks the Age-long Question:What if G.o.d ran out of chill pills?This will hopefully be a series of shorts, two semi short series, and G.o.d knows what. But, before I get yelled at, I do know how the stories will end. I 'm not just bulls*tting. I 'm tactically bullsh*tting.Updates: Regular, if you don 't look too closely at the publishing timesP.S...

Randy's Summer

Randy's Summer summary: Randy's Summer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Randy's Summer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon

Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon summary: Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tales of the Wickedly Vicious Underground Empire

Tales of the Wickedly Vicious Underground Empire summary: It’s 5 years after the fall of the Magic Empire.
The Holy Kingdom is now the one who leads the Union of several countries, While restraining the other powers, it neglected to keep peace. The people of Holy Kingdom dream of perpetual peace. But with the wealth taken from Magic Kingdom, the buying of all slaves from minor powers, along with pillaging, they indulge themselves in the territories they s.n.a.t.c.h. However…
Unknown to them, there are forces that moves behind the darkness.
These people, are mementos of a dead Empire.
The prince and princess of the long gone country, a pair of siblings.
Harva, the princess, is a weak but lovely and energetic little girl
Alarc, the prince, is a handsome young man with beautiful and kind smile.
“That day, is the unforgettable day for us right, brother?!”
The siblings escaped that day, the day when their beloved country turned into a land of nightmare. The day when the white sacred walls turned into crimson-stained walls of blood and fire. And the day when they lost everything. The siblings trained themselves, endured pain and sadness, losing soul and sanity, selling their soul to the darkness and evils, and now… losing their former self, they create the foundation of what would be their last and dearest wish…
”To grant our wish (revenge)…, —we create the Wickedly Vicious Underground Empire”
….thus, starts the dark tale of revenge and retribution.

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