




简介云天空同名小说改编。王子流落民间十年,受尽凄苦。随着一重重慧眼天赋觉醒,希罗招募了诸多的强力伙伴,凭借着强大的圣灵兽,一路励志、搞笑的与敌人展开了战斗。一战之下,希罗才知道,当年的事情并没有那么简单。更大的黑幕,才刚刚露出一丝端倪!每周四更新。邮箱[email protected]




























内容简介:重生逆袭有空间重生逆袭有空间小说阅读都市言情类型小说重生逆袭有空间由作家孟萱创作新书《穿书农女福运齐天》已上传。前世她愧疚了一辈子即使最后看着仇人得到报应了也无法平复她内心深处的伤痕。 重生总算她还有机会逆转一切。带着传承空间带着大量物质看她怎么在那个物质匮乏的年代弥补遗憾收获幸福美满的人生可是为什么前世那个她有过朦胧好感的冰山冷酷男还是那样妖孽那么快就无情的揭穿了她最大的秘密?新书《重生彪悍娇妻来袭》已经发布了哦。新书《重生牧少娇妻有空间》已小兵提供重生逆袭有空间最新章节重生逆袭有空间最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w99851-99854 >>


内容简介:李牧阳意外车祸,带着未来智脑重生到青云大陆成为了白云宗‘夏木堂’当代大师兄!当极品丹药,令人如饥似渴,梦寐以求时,李牧阳看着大堆快要吃吐的神级丹药,愁眉苦脸!当 高阶武器,让人求之不得,朝思暮想时,李牧阳正在为选择哪把超阶武器送给师弟而发愁!李牧阳:刚出炉的神器送给师妹当礼物,师妹应该会很高兴吧?1w0-3188 >>


内容简介:苏离穿越仙武世界,成了大夏国的三皇子。开局竟然被皇帝老爹,送往神凰女国卧底!在这个国度,女尊男卑,女人入仕做官,带兵打仗,男人三从四德,相妇教子!身为绝世美男的苏离,很快便被相中,送入 宫中随侍女帝!叮!卧底系统觉醒!卧底第一年,获得圣武天罡体!第二年,获得八荒镇狱!第三年,获得李白剑技青莲剑歌!卧底十年,苏离积累底牌无数,这一日,正当他准备跟女帝摊牌之时,帝都上空,飘下漫天花雨!一道柔媚万千的女声飘来:“苏卿,朕喜欢你!”苏离:皇帝老头!说好三年,三年又三年!再不收网,我特么快苟成女国帝君了!1w72885-83315 >>


内容简介:情欲大冒险简介:NP一个神秘组织发布的羞羞大冒险。调教paly勾引paly公交paly五花八门。霸道总裁禁欲家教冷面医生应有尽有。我们的只有一个目标那就是……冒险成功!爽文女性向不限甜 文1w0-26540 >>


内容简介:精选来自————渣逢对手豪门世家情有独钟阴差阳错甜文——*男女主版文案*——就像你好不容易逮到机会本命大大愿意为你c出本子出插画却被小妖精插队以致敷衍了事绝美的儿子女儿没有了人生也不会 再爱了听说你一毕业就结婚时我就是这种感受!女主:代入感太强我已经开始窒息了!你比我更适合写小说笔给你你来写!!——*渣渣版文案*——绿茶初恋勾引,白莲月光为爱归国,个个抛出橄榄枝,渣渣仿佛重回十八处处开花,奈何家有小辣椒。婆婆怂恿不睡白不睡万一是你老婆不能生,那我老x家不就绝后了。仿佛医院检测都是骗钱的。不巧国家刚颁布离婚冷静期,离婚一个进展不好进入二次诉讼,还要为渣渣再搭一年,白月光又发暧昧微信。时灵灵怒从心头起,决定抢白月光的戏份,先扮失忆演圣母,不吵不闹。——*——“我都不记得自己认识这位先生,当然要离婚。我很冷静啊。感情可以重新培养?不了不了啤酒肚没救了脸我也一点都不喜欢……”一闹起来居委会大妈、街道办、网格员、七大姑八大姨爸妈都要围追堵截,盯街道离结率堪比ki;还会被组织、公司领导做思想工作,闹上一年半载,怕是超市大学生促销员那里都社会性死亡。一要离婚就被社会总动员,简直窒息。时灵灵就想安静地离个婚,该她的钱也一分不少。——*——就是毕业一结婚就备孕,三年了不想白费。真想生个孩子赶紧浪,烧烤奶茶造起来。反正渣渣忙着哄野花,她这朵家花也野一野好了。这次感情放一边,选个脸很香身材棒的优质dna载体就成,不不不,别误解当然不是带球跑,相亲多相快踹,总能找到合适的。11w0-80159 >>


内容简介:从小无父无母的林枫被老头子捡回来,老头子训练他成为一个顶尖的杀手。在一次执行任务中,林枫得到任务品之后不慎被人埋伏不幸身亡。谁料此任务品竟是华夏上古神物,将他魂魄带到另外一个世界重生。 上古神物内有神兽一只,功法无数,借此林枫踏上了一条修神之路。1w0-60936 >>


内容简介:  大楚皇帝一道赐婚圣旨,霸气的将“小昏侯楚天秀”送到军权滔天的平王府,当了上门赘婿!1w0-3806


内容简介:  【1V1】算命先生说唐绾注孤生,她不信,她有钱有颜,怎么会嫁不出去?  结果她谈了99个男朋友,每个都在一个月内找到了真爱甩了她!最后一个还在结婚当天跟别的女人跑了。唐绾表示不服, 随手拉个男人结婚,却直接翘辫子了!然后被绑定了一个爸爸系统。  爸爸系统:想要一个完美老公吗?不要998,不要888,只要绑定我爸爸系统,完美老公给你送到家!  唐绾:爸爸?EXM?  爸爸系统(羞涩):闺女你好~叫爸爸,你想要什么样的女婿都给你!  绑定系统后,唐绾只想掐死系统。说好的完美老公?!这性子歪曲的男人,谁敢要啊?!这不是在坑我?爸爸系统(无辜):闺女,爸爸怎么会坑你呢?你看看,不是潜力股?不是高颜值大长腿?  唐绾:……  群号:7022113091w0-68 >>


内容简介:  萧兮兮穿越回古代,成了太子的小老婆之一。  本应该是宫斗的开始,可她只想当咸鱼。  争宠?不存在的!  咸鱼才是生存之道,混吃等死才是人生真谛!  可偏偏,  高冷太子就爱她这一款 。  ……  萧父:闺女,你要争气啊,咱家可就指望你攀龙附凤了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  宫女:小主,您要争气啊,一定要打败那些绿茶婊成为太子妃!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:爱妃,你要争气啊,孤就指望你传宗接代了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:无妨,咸鱼我也可以。  ……  (1V1宠文,双洁,超甜!)1w0-960 >>


内容简介:和直男总裁结婚后蒋游小时候被人贩子拐卖,逃出来后流落福利院,在晏氏集团的资助下完成学业。大四的某一天,他被长康制药的总裁贺长康和二少爷贺年找到了。贺长康:“儿子!我苦命的儿子!1w0- 78424 >>


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Mister Millionaire

In the Mister Millionaire series: V.1 - Kekkon no Kokoroe (Expecting the Boss's Baby) 'I love you, not as my boss but as a man.' It had been 2 months since Kate spent a night of passion with her boss, Michael, whom she secretly loves. But the next day, Michael cruelly tells her that their relationship must strictly be kept to business. Kate cannot forget about that night, and tells Michael how she feels... In fact, Michael grew up in an orphanage. He had a difficult childhood and now finds it impossible to love. Can Kate's love change Michael? V.2 - Kekkon nante Shitakunai Justin, a genius of the stock trading business is a real scrooge despite being a millionaire. He believes marriage only drains your bank account, and only contributes to charity to evade taxes. While investigating a charity, he meets a poor but charming girl named Amy. However their encounter is cut short when he suddenly coughs up blood and collapses. Amy rushes him to the hospital and while drifting between the borders of life and death, he had a dream: his friends standing at his bed side, sadly mumbling 'he only thought of money, money, money', 'he never learnt to love anyone'. Justin is suddenly swamped with a feeling of deep regret. He prays to God, 'please, just give me another chance!' V.3 - Anata no Kioku Alisa has always been with Dylan for as long as she can remember?she gave him her first kiss as a teenager and, later, her virginity. But when Alisa finds Dylan bedding another woman, his cruel betrayal devastates her and she brings a sad end to their long-term relationship. At her worst, an accident befalls her. When Alisa wakes up, she has lost every bit of memory related to Dylan! This is the final story of a high-profile miniseries, Million-Dollar Men, which depicts the romances of self-made millionaires.

Bakeneko Ol Tamami-San - Omoi Tsuzukete Nanadaime

Tamami-san is a bakeneko, an immortal cat-human, seeking revenge on all the descendants, to the seventh generation, of the man who scarred her for life. But to hunt down those descendants, she needs money. For money, she needs a job. Days in the office, nights out hunting. No wonder she can't stay awake!

Hanappe Bazooka

From the Animeraider: This one is just plain bizarre. Funny and ecchi, but bizarre. Hanappe is something of a loser. He’s no good with women, and some have been known to take advantage of him. After one such incident where he winds up helping in a gun robbery after a woman flashes her breast at him, he goes home to (ahem) relieve himself when two demons pop out of his television set. They are Mephisto (the she-devil) and Ofisto Bazooka (the demon) and they’ve come to grant three wishes, but instead the demon assaults his mother, Mephisto piles a ton of money in front of his father and then goes after his sister, and they lose track of things. They decide instead of granting wishes to simply live here. As a result of this unplanned madness, Hanappe winds up with the power to make people spontaneously undress and want to have sex with him. He is also given the power to shut this off, but he doesn’t learn this immediately. It has consequences far beyond what he imagines though… And then Hanappe discovers a side-effect; he has untapped strength and abilities. And then it gets weird…

Full Metal Panic! Overload

Sosuke has finally lost his mind - and his memory! Rehashing his previous exploits will keep Kaname busy, but it doesn't take long for the military mind of this soldier to bounce back with a bang - literally! He's locked, loaded, and back to his old self by first period, as bombs and bullets grace the halls of high school!

The Goat and Her Kid

The Goat and Her Kid summary: The Goat and Her Kid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Goat and Her Kid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Golden Bough

The Golden Bough summary: The Golden Bough summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Golden Bough. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Magus Era

The Magus Era summary: Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit. They were capable of controlling wind and lightning, and conquering dragons and serpents. They seemed strong enough to split the earth and shatter the stars with their fists. They traveled throughout the land and called themselves Magi. Eventually, one of them would become a Supreme Magus! These men are the ancestors of human beings. Their blood is what we all share today.
Qing Long is the former strongest man in the world. He traveled through s.p.a.ce and time and was reborn as Ji Hao in the Fire Crow Clan of the Southern Wasteland. It’s a complicated world. Forces from both inside and outside of the clan want this young and talented boy to die. Under great pressure, Ji Hao makes a deal with a mysterious man, who resides in his spiritual s.p.a.ce, never showing his real face. He gains two drops of blood from a dragon and phoenix. Afterwards, Ji Hao becomes increasingly more powerful.

Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady summary: She is the twenty-fourth century’s strongest immortal cultivator, but transferred into a world of magic where demons roamed rampant; a punching bag tyrannized and ostracized by her clan on one side while the sc.u.m of a man that is her fiancé humiliated, trampled her on the other side… Want to ravage her? She laughs as she will soon teach them how to behave themselves! Magic is amazing? Her Five Lightning’s Bombardment Talisman will turn you into ashes! Medication is very incredible? With one furnace of medicinal pills, useless can also become genius! A vigorous army of a million is very ferocious? With Scattering Beansprout Soldiers, all of you can slowly play! Smilingly watching as those who court death act vilely without salvation. Those who submit to me prosper, those who oppose me, perish! Only… For reason does this Grandmaster whose face is as beautiful as a flower, when facing her, always “secretly cast pa.s.sionate glances”? A certain Grandmaster: “After sleeping for so long, now you don’t acknowledge”?

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