


































内容简介:烟西台记事烟西台记事小说阅读武侠仙侠类型小说烟西台记事由作家温三创作文案:鸳鸯双栖蝶双飞,满园春色惹人醉,悄悄问秦鹿,梁王美不美,梁王美不美。秦鹿:“呸!”梁王爷在,秦鹿恭维:“王爷、 主人、道长、大仙、上天入地无所不能美男子!”梁王爷不在,秦鹿暗戳戳恨:“骚包、恶棍、老不死、百年处男、装腔作势瞎折腾人的衣冠禽兽!”递刀,怂恿之,杀死梁王爷,你来当鬼王。秦鹿拿刀,捅死怂恿之人,舌尖舔血,啧啧鄙视:“你懂什么,我喜欢他。”【斯文败类梁王爷V怂勇兼备女鬼头】排雷:女追小兵提供烟西台记事最新章节烟西台记事最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-72337 >>


内容简介:  这是一个扑街作者重回2006年的故事,然后……他就不扑街了!  但他还总是觉得写小说死路一条,总想再干点别的。  然后他真的干了……1w0-911




内容简介:重生洪荒世界,成了太阳星上孕育的先天神圣,太一,在还未化形之初,吞噬帝俊本源精华,直接孕育盘古圣体!一化形,便是盘古混沌圣体!从此,太一证道太阳大帝,迎娶两位太阴女神,掌握阴阳,号令洪 荒。修,最强的大道!睡,最美的女仙!元始天尊:太一大帝神功无敌,贫道不敢与大帝争锋。通天教主:我的诛仙四剑,根本比不得太一大帝的帝王之刃万分之一。十二祖巫:大帝,我们献上巫族无数美女,祈求追随大帝左右,替大帝治理洪荒世界。鸿钧道祖:大帝,这六道鸿蒙紫气,全都送给你如何?1w0-70510 >>


内容简介:——他对她,终归是病态征服欲。【文案】九年前,何意知印象里的钟威还是个喝着盗版旺仔牛奶、吃着盗版奥利奥饼干的乡下小屁孩。直到几年后回老家再遇,她发现小屁孩已经变成了一个剑眉星目、唇红齿 白…1w0-108417 >>


内容简介:  书群:683926570重活一世的白元想轻轻松松一辈子,所以选择协议婚姻,本想着安安稳稳一辈子,但万万没想到,自己的朋友圈,竟然开始展示未来一天。哼!区区一个变异朋友圈,就想勾引我 出山?别做梦了!叮!“恭喜玩家,剧透未来,奖励汤臣一品A栋21楼到30楼。”嘶!真香!1w0-3894 >>


内容简介:赖歌(脊椎异变症):来一个水果,你就可以浪得飞起!段厉(感情缺失症):我以恐惧为食。赖歌:我爱你,我不怂,我就要迎难而上。段厉:……摁死。赖歌白天经营赖家传承三代的水果铺,晚上就被拉到 一个奇特的星际末世世界到处蹿他以为自己进入了坑爹的无限流游戏。赖歌不知道他每次进入的都是星盟面向全星际播放的直播节目现场,为吸引《星际末世水果人》小说推荐:虐文使我超强、仙尊始乱终弃、通房宠、宦宠、天涯客、将进酒、一级律师星际、八零年代攀高枝、不循(重生)、穿成炮灰配角的奶奶(快穿)、东厂观察笔记、盛月归、我嫁的仙尊成魔尊、剑名不奈何、假千金的红包群、攻玉、恃宠为后(重生)、科举之长孙举家路、小豆蔻、劝娘和离之后(科举)1w0-28888 >>




内容简介:三清观前,人满为患。闪光灯映射下一个道士无语的看着面前的记者们:“诸位施主,贫道就是一个道士,清幽致远,不沾红尘,你们速速离去吧。”“道长,我就一个问题。”一位记者问道:“您真的能够观 天象,前知五百年,后知五百年?”“道长,您说您是一位道士,为什么被人称为文学先驱?”“道长,您说您是一位道士,为什么被娱乐界称为教父?”“道长,您是一位道士,为什么被佛门称为先知?”“道长,出1w0-96822 >>


内容简介:【公告】与编辑商量,本书打算于2016年11月9日也就是星期三入V,当天三更或万字更。姐妹们支持一下正版。更新时间大多在凌晨1点50左右,你们白天起来看。晚12点放防盗,凌晨1点50替 换,已尽力往深夜时间靠,大家可以次日来看。除这两点时间之外皆是防盗或捉虫,特殊情况会说明。带来的不望谅解。前尘缘事皆忘,而后忆起。一代天师季童上一世做了无数利社稷的事结善缘得善果得此重生。【阅前注意:】勿扒榜。此文苏,女主美。码字不易,不适点X,在此多谢。(划重点:女主穿到现代是之后才慢慢想起自己以前的事情的)各位书友要是觉得《女神算命手册古穿今》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80385 >>



Tenkyuugi - Sephirahnatus

From Tenkyuugi: In this world, there are 10 heavenly laws and 22 earthly laws. While humans cannot have knowledge of the heavenly laws used by the gods, they make use of the earthly laws. Through cards, each of the symbols can be utilized through the use of magic. Those with this ability are called magicians. Aspiring magicians study the laws in order to attend a magic institute. Nanao of Akatsuki, Kisa of Hiragi, and Nanten of Nase are freshmen enrolled at the Seventh Eastern Magic Institute. Even within the 22 laws, there exist a rare ability. Nanao, who holds this ability, will...?

Ssen Nom

A new transfer student, Tae Yeob, on his first day in an all-boys school (though it is enticingly close to an all-girls school), stutters through introducing himself. He's awkward at first, but the other boys' snickering stops when he says with sudden calm, 'My hobby is fighting. My goal for the future is to become an MMA fighter. I plan on crushing all this school's fighters by next week.' After collecting information about the various personalities and fighting styles of the top fighters in the school, he's ready to make good on his word. Ssen Nom, The Strongest Fighter, is an earlier work of the manhwaga of the God of Highschool, and it shows its lineage in bruises and blood! Webtoon from Naver

Tenkyuugi - Sephirahnatus

From Tenkyuugi: In this world, there are 10 heavenly laws and 22 earthly laws. While humans cannot have knowledge of the heavenly laws used by the gods, they make use of the earthly laws. Through cards, each of the symbols can be utilized through the use of magic. Those with this ability are called magicians. Aspiring magicians study the laws in order to attend a magic institute. Nanao of Akatsuki, Kisa of Hiragi, and Nanten of Nase are freshmen enrolled at the Seventh Eastern Magic Institute. Even within the 22 laws, there exist a rare ability. Nanao, who holds this ability, will...?

Two Beasts

From Chibi Manga: Yukari and Haruhi are the same age while Ruka is 4 years younger and they are all childhood friends. The three of them get along well with each other, but unexpectedly Haruhi confesses his love to Yukari and the two begin dating. But, Ruka forcibly chases after Yukari causing her heart to wander between Haruhi and Ruka. Although she doesn’t want to break up with Haruhi who is nice to her, she can’t stop the heat that she feels when she is with Ruka… The everyday peaceful life has turned into a continuation of storms!

On the Firing Line in Education

On the Firing Line in Education summary: On the Firing Line in Education summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On the Firing Line in Education. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse

The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse summary: Lacking a pocket dimension, lacking a power, lacking a thigh to hug onto and the three life advantages (money, power, and looks), he had been cautiously living in the apocalypse for ten full years, getting closer to falling into the zombies’ mouths, but unexpectedly he had the bad luck to be caught in a fight between two gangs and die, it really left people feeling disappointed. But when he opened his eyes, he had returned to a decade ago, three months before the apocalypse! Like before he still lacked an ability, an ordinary person without a pocket dimension, but he did have ten full years of experience in living in the apocalypse! Even if he didn’t fight zombies, didn’t hunt monsters, he could still live a careful farming life in the safe zone. Find a safe house, utilise all kinds of skills from his previous life to farm in exchange for meat, and if possible, find a person to peacefully spend the rest of his life with; ordinary people had their own ordinary little pieces of happiness. Originally believing he had picked up a beauty he returned home to prepare a golden house, but on the contrary he was the one being pushed down&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;someone once said, whether it is people or matters, by no means can you only look at the surface!

Myriad Universes_ Echoes And Refractions

Myriad Universes_ Echoes And Refractions summary: Myriad Universes_ Echoes And Refractions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Myriad Universes_ Echoes And Refractions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

International Short Stories: French

International Short Stories: French summary: International Short Stories: French summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of International Short Stories: French. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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