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内容简介:那年积雪初融,春寒未去,唐宝颐站在一树盛开的望春玉兰下,指着裴振衣道:“就让他来做我的情郎。”彼时她是靖川侯府的千金,是全帝都小郎君梦里的佳人,是裴振衣避之不及的小恶魔,也是令他沉沦其 中的俗艳陷阱。一时兴起的追逐,终归以宝颐猝然抽身收场。被她抛弃的那日,裴振衣红着眼站在大雪里,像条丧家犬一样,质问她为什么要抛弃他。她持着二十四骨紫竹伞,怜悯地看着阶下的他,末了漫不经心道:“因为我玩腻了,如各位书友要是觉得《落魄后被前任捡走了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99962 >>


内容简介:1878年。天下首富胡雪岩死了!做为他的主要继承人,胡楚元得到了总额为二千万两白银的遗产,按130年后的黄金价位计算,那就是237亿RMB。此时……距离中法战争尚有五年,距离中日甲午战 争更还有十五年的时间。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《天下首富》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79552 >>


内容简介:项大少死得很憋屈。这辈子,他决定自强自立,早日摆脱被圈养的命运。可惜无论他怎么蹦跶,都没能从那个人的碗里蹦出去……项少怒发冲冠:强抢民男啊这是,就没人管管?某人摸头顺毛:乖,家庭矛盾咱 们内部解决就行啦本文定于2016年6月9日入V,入多多支持01w0-77274 >>


内容简介:《仙君重生》是桔梗精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新仙君重生最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的仙君重生评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持仙君重生读者的观点。各位书友要是 觉得《仙君重生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2317-26913 >>






内容简介:薛芷虞作为一名医师,一朝穿越到薛府废物三小姐身上,母亲不受宠,父亲不重视,还有府里不安分的姊妹姨娘们,她真的受够了,竟然这样,她决定要好好的活下去,首先得有足够的银两,那就开一家小诊所 好了。他,是一人之下万人之上的摄政王南宫烨,为人温文儒雅,看起来极好相处,经常给人如沐春风的感觉。一开始薛芷虞也这么以为的,直到接触了一天之后,她差点就要哭着跑出去跟说这些话的人表明真相了,这位爷简直是有病,而且还病的不轻,什么温文尔雅那都是狗屁!“既然你都知道了,看来只能把你娶回府才可以帮我保密。”“我可以拒绝么?”“要么成为死人,要么成为我的人,你选一个,”南宫烨笑的很是腹黑的盯着眼前早就惊呆的某人。“算你狠!”本书1v1,男强女也强,高甜系列,甜到发齁!!!各位书友要是觉得《摄政王妃又双叒跑路了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105063 >>


内容简介:  在破败中崛起,在寂灭中复苏。  沧海成尘,雷电枯竭,那一缕幽雾又一次临近大地,世间的枷锁被打开了,一个全新的世界就此揭开神秘的一角……1w0-563


内容简介:在末世挣扎求生的叶梓,穿越时空来到千年后的星际。一穷二白还被流放荒星,依靠自身能力努力生活。准备在星际养老,却在不知不觉间拯救了全星际。“小主人,小主人,不好了,一只虫母掉下来了。现在 正在吃我们的蔬菜呢”“什么,那该死的虫子,看我不剁碎它,埋了当肥料。”当叶梓杀了星际虫母后,看着虫母肚子里快被腐蚀了的逃生舱,不由感慨,这人命真大。……后来,叶梓无数次的后悔,是鱼不好吃吗?是种植蔬菜不快乐吗?干嘛要手贱的去杀人家虫母,人家子子孙孙无穷尽,是她能招惹的起的吗?还有后面那个饭桶,能不能不要吃了。1w0-95323 >>






内容简介:然后,我想你然后,我想你小说阅读其它类型小说然后,我想你由作家应橙创作每天上午十点更新,微博应橙橙下一本开《咬丝绒》,戳作者专栏求个收藏。1谈烟和江骋一直处于隐婚的状态,她认为两人更像 合约夫妻,一直都是她主动,江骋维持一贯的冷淡。后来好友圈爆出两人不合,原来一直是谈烟倒贴他。谈烟听后也不辩驳,眸色动人,笑道“是啊,不会看向他了”谁知身后的男人将她死死按在怀里,眼睛紧锁着她“你想看谁,嗯?”至此,公司的人天天看自家老板认命地跟在一个女人身后,拿出全部身家,成天玩命地哄,重新追人家。2京南风投神话江骋,不仅多金单身,皮相又好,五官分明,身材比例标准,是全市女人的心中幻想情人。结果在一次采访中,忽然被记者眼尖发现他锁骨处的草莓印。记者拿着笔的手都在抖“有……有女朋友了?”此消息一出,多少女人的心碎成一地,纷纷要找出这个女人是谁。江骋淡然否认“不是,是结婚了。”同时还大方地艾特了网友天天骂妖女,演技为零,背后到底是谁在帮她撤热搜的谈烟。“——老婆,我这个背后的人你还满意吗?”前期女追男,后期追妻火葬场冷艳骄衿女明星X隐忍占有欲强总裁破镜重圆婚恋——————————————————————《咬丝绒》预收文案梁亦北受朋友之托,答应照顾一个小姑娘三个月。覃甜时常惹祸,梁大少认命地跟在她后面收拾烂摊子,把她宠得无法无天。后来小姑娘跟他告白,梁亦北随便敷衍了句胸太小给拒绝了。再相逢,梁亦北隔着一阵距离,看着自己曾带大过的小姑娘,在同一个男人相谈甚欢。长大后的覃甜,明艳又风情,身材还勾人。梁亦北看她明晃晃的笑容气得胸闷,当着众人的面走过去,抽走她手里的酒杯,面无表情地说“作业做完了吗?”“谁让你早恋的?”“……”大哥,我早成年了好吗当初你嫌我胸小,现在是我嫌你年纪大了小兵提供然后,我想你最新章节然后,我想你最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-81836 >>

Love Junkies

Eitaro is hooked to the erotic chats... Someone steals Sakuko's lingerie... Ai is determined to lose her virginity... Everybody is hooked on love... or is it to sex?! An excellent ongoing erotic manga by Kyo Hatsuki following the trials and sexual triumphs of the main character. The story travels from - 'Will he ever get laid?' to - 'Will he ever get a steady girlfriend?' to - 'Will he ever learn to keep it in his pants?!' A fun read with a humorous story.

Order Wa Boku De Yoroshii Desu Ka?

From Shoujo Crusade: Akari always goes to a particular coffee shop, but not for their coffee. It's to see Naruse Hijiri-kun, a waiter who's totally Akari's type. And then suddenly one day she finds him waiting outside her school? Also includes: • Haru Koi Kaede has been trying to befriend her desk neighbour Muromachi Isami, but when she greeted him, he yelled at her?! In fact every time she greets him, he glares at her. Not giving up, Kaede tries to see the good (cute) side in him... • Power of Love Mikoto has always felt lonely ever since her parents divorced, but she starts living in a new family with a dad and a son in her age, Shou. As much as tries to have a happy family in her new home, Shou seems to be reluctant, but our happy-go-lucky Mikoto will not give up! • Flying Start! • Haru ni Kaze to Yuki ga Furu!

General, Leave Me Alone!

General Leave Me Alone at Qin Muxue met the Great General in the turbulance of dynasty alternation. This aloof general seemed to be interested in her, for he brought her and her younger sister back and treated her ad his fiancee. Qin Muxue didn't know that they had met long time agomangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.

Love & Sex

1. Midara na Senritsu Hiwai na Yubisaki (Lewd Melody Obscene Fingers) by SHINJO MayuYurika has grown so used to doing what others tell her to do that she never realized she was like a caged bird. She accepted it as a matter of course when arrangements were made for her to get engaged to Satoshi, her controlling piano teacher. That is until piano genius and fringe element Hibiki teaches Yurika how to put emotion in her music--how to fly from her cage--among other less innocent things...(Also included in Motto Oshiete)2. Hyoutenka no Maria by MINAMI KananA story about a girl named Miona who saved the drunken university student Rikuya from freezing to death. To thank her, he takes her to an amusement park... they get along very well and Miona kinda fell in love with him. Next day she sees on tv that a female student from the same university as Rikuya was stabbed... and she begins to think that it was him...3. Abunai Houkenshitsu (Dangerous Health Room) by AYUKAWA MioFujimori-sensei has a secret that involves the health room. Could he be meeting someone there...!?4. S no Junjou M no Yuuwaku by KOUSAKA YuukaYuu is in love with Makoto, only to find out that her mother is engaged to Makoto's father. Now she must live with Makoto, and his equally handsome twin brother.5. Kare no Taion Kanojo no Toiki (His Body Temperature Her Long Sigh) by ASAMI MiyabiYukina is on the same committee as Narimiya. She notices the cologne that he is wearing and stares at him sadly. Could the fragrance be the cause...!?**Also included in [m]Kedamono Shounen Shoujo[/m]6. Kakusei Full Moon (Full Moon Awakening) by YUUHI RyuuYuzuki and Takara are childhood friends and so close that people consider Takara to be Yuzuki's girlfriend. But it's all in good fun--because Yuzuki is eighteen and Takara is only thirteen. Now that Takara's body is maturing, though, the joke isn't as easy to brush off as it once was...especially with a full moon pulling Yuzuki's desires to the surface.7. Tomodachi Ijou x H Miman (More than Friends, Not Up to Sex) by USAMI TaeMaking a confession is the most difficult part in a love relationship. Follow Miku in her way of saying 'I LOVE YOU TEPPEI'.

Defending the Island

Defending the Island summary: Defending the Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Defending the Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Old Vampire And A Holy Girl

Old Vampire And A Holy Girl summary: A legendary vampire, a true monster that has even made an enemy of G.o.d, a mythical figure from the old stories. He is now an old man who lives as a shut-in in some corner of the Kingdom, in a castle that is closer to a haunted house. He lives a mellow and lazy life – but that peace of his was eventually shattered. This is a quiet era where “Vampires” only exist in old fables. It is a story of the peaceful every day between a saint who is trying to rehabilitate a shut-in and an old vampire who will not even entertain the thought of going outside.

We, The Drowned

We, The Drowned summary: We, The Drowned summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of We, The Drowned. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Potts's Painless Cure

Potts's Painless Cure summary: Potts's Painless Cure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Potts's Painless Cure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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