








简介因为善良之神与邪恶之神转世、更迭,神界内部矛盾逐渐升级,以毁灭之神为首的一众神祇向以海神、修罗神为首的另一众掌权神祇发起了战争。而就在这个时候,同时掌控海神、修罗神两大神诋之位的神界执法者唐三的妻子小舞却怀孕了。神界的危机由此升起,唐三预感,除了神界内部矛盾之外,还有巨大危机即将到来,这危机又是什么呢?神界传说,是拙作斗罗大陆II绝世唐门之后,一部承上启下的神界故事,在这里,大家会看到很多熟悉的身影。 同时,这一部神界传说,也将是未来斗罗大陆3的前传。


简介来做些羞羞的事吧漫画 ,成绩优异的学生会长,她的秘密被一个学弟发现了——?














类别热血 搞笑 恋爱 校园










内容简介:  弘治十一年,弘治中兴正由兴盛走向衰落,贤臣们年衰致仕,内阁三人渐渐老去,弘治皇帝励精图治,也无法将大明推向更高的太平盛世。此时,京城西北角的破旧院落中,一个书生正翻阅着史料,检查这 个大明和穿越前那个,是否严丝合缝。1w0-1637 >>


内容简介:朋友,你想穿越吗?你还在为不知道穿越者必备条件发愁吗?看胡渣的《北宋穿越攻略》吧!带你进入繁华的北宋,开始争霸征程!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《北宋穿越攻略》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-87556 >>


内容简介:周硕是一个有理想的技术宅,然而现实却将他逼上了绝路。在今生,他所为之奋斗的中国芯片产业,似乎根本找不到一条出路。绝望的他醉酒而死,却没想到上天竟然让他重生回到一九九四年,给了他再来一次 的机会。这一次不仅要弥补自己人生的遗憾,他还要振兴整个中国的芯片业!最后,他终于站在了与微软、英特尔决斗的舞台上,他的身后倒下的是三星、索尼、尼康、思科、惠普、佳能、苹果……他的敌人背后还有应用材料、德州仪器、高通、甲骨文、EMC以及蓝色巨人IBM,甚至是世界上最强大的组织——美国。这是一场令人绝望的战争,他决定这一世不再孤军奋战,誓要建起芯片的黄埔!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《电子重生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49713 >>


内容简介:  刚退出娱乐圈的方长,遇到了一个满眼都是他的女孩,还是个白富美。面对女孩的凶猛追求,方长不想吃软饭怎么办?…………这是一个女追男隔座山的纯爱故事。  标签:日常,狗粮,轻松、明星。1 w0-4235 >>


内容简介:柯学马甲文,后续是酒厂卧底窝新卧底,灰原哀单女主,高甜,日综日剧推理作为一个欺诈师,罗修在魂穿重生以后就开始苟着经营多个身份和马甲。他既是乐坛巨星,也是崭露头角的大文豪,同时也是让警视 厅头疼的侠盗。而当他只身一人来到日本东京且莫名卷入事件,才惊觉这里居然是《名侦探柯南》的世界。并且他一早就邂逅且一见钟情的人竟就是宫野志保。但再次重逢,那个心心念念的她却已经成了灰原哀……这段感情是放下?还是换个1w0-89772 >>


内容简介:看到那个被媚媚叫做哥哥的男人这么从容,吴克菲的身体里也突然生出了力量,立刻有样学样撤退到客厅,坐在了另外一边的沙发上,拿出手机摆弄起来!其实他也知道,这间房里的五个男人,数他是最没立场 继续待在这里的。林凡他们不必说,如果媚媚不是骗他的话,他们现在应该已经是夫妻了。而坐在自己不远处认真看着杂事的男人,可能是媚媚的哥哥。那自己呢,此刻除了关心媚媚的身体,足够留下的理由还有什么呢?美媚,一个光鲜靓丽的形容词,历史上也有人热情的叫着媚娘,这个名字是多少的好听和和蔼,要是陌生人在你聊天后,忽然问起来,您的名字是什么,你回答说,我叫媚娘,然后低头含下巴微微的羞涩一笑,那男同志对你的印象会更加深刻,那种爱慕之心即可涌上心头。这也是女生一般想要的结果吧。PS嘎嘎本文一妻多夫有RouRou未成年慎入本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《媚媚的幸福生活》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-34507 >>


内容简介:  我,奶爸,圣骑士,  星空之下第一带娃PK强者!  不服来战!1w0-257


内容简介:全城百姓对生存已经失去了希望,守城官也已下达了城破之时同归于尽的命令,此时,一声响彻云霄的虎啸声传来,接着就是一面面黑旗出现在天际,“黑黑旗,是七皇子,七皇子来了,我们有救了”这世界本 就杀戮…1w23367-29515 >>


内容简介:  青灵化魔撼山易,九尸归元游朝天界源方寸成一界,八蛛青光镇乾坤道友请留步,在下太丘李玄罡!......这是一个传奇家族于残酷的修真界中强势崛起的故事!群号:7617412561w0- 1444 >>


内容简介:穿越火影世界,宇智波清发现自己在木叶开的一家小饭馆与冥界净土产生了联系。千手柱间,宇智波斑,千手扉间……强者们的魂魄重现于世,全都成了自己小饭馆的员工。【宇智波清今天是吃烧烤还是吃火锅 ,柱间和斑你们俩打一架,谁赢谁说了算。】【千手扉间我堂堂水遁宗师,居然沦落到来后厨洗碗。】【宇智波斑你有什么好抱怨的,我不照样用火遁烧火。】【千手柱间老板昨天跟我说,想让我用木遁添点柴火……】——————轻松流,本书又名《三句话,让宇智波斑为我打工》;《我和我的影级员工们的日常生活》;《木叶的圆梦大师》。1w10601-69496 >>


内容简介:小护工文墨因奶奶去世悲伤过度而晕厥,醒来变成了十一岁的病秧子文墨。一日三餐,汤药不断,积年累月,卧床不起,虽有父母疼在掌心如珠如宝,奈何嫂嫂们对她厌恶至极,甚至起了一碗耗子药毒死她的恶 毒心思所幸机缘巧合下得了个神奇空间,养好了身子,改善了生活,觅得了良配,小日子过得风生水起,悠然自得。一对一温馨种田文,家长里短,岁月静好,空间、美食,俊男美女,甜宠无虐,安心1w0-95253 >>

Touhou - C'mon, I'm Sure Marisa Likes Me!

Alice knows what she wants, and is locked right on target.

Ikenai Hinata-Kun

Hinata Koga, a college student who works part-time at a karaoke bar, has to train the new employee, party-going Kai Kimura. At work, Kai suddenly asks: 'Koga-san, you're gay, aren't you?' Hinata has to go out with Kai so he doesn't tell anyone else. But when Kai wants to make things physical, how will he deal with Hinata's strange condition of not being able to feel anything?!

Baka To Tesuto To Shoukanjuu

Based on a popular light novel. from Baka-Updates Manga: The protagonist is a guy who is among the stupidest of the stupidest in the school. In this school, your grades can, under the supervision of teachers, take a virtual form to do combat! However, if you leave an examination half way, you get zero marks. A bright and cute girl, Mizuki Himeji, was having a high fever during the examination. Despite her potential to be the second highest scorer in the level, she obtained zero marks for having left due to her illness and is thus allocated to the worst class, class F. Grades mean almost everything. For Class A, they have a smart-looking teacher, a plasma TV as big as the entire wall as their blackboard, personal laptops, personal air-cons, refrigerators, adjustable seats and all kinds of different appliances. Within the refrigerator, there are all kinds of drinks and snacks. Their ceiling is made of glass, the wall lets them put up high-class drawings and plants. As for Class F, the worst class... They have Japanese desks and seat paddings. Their blackboard is dirty and there is no chalk even! Someone complains that the legs of his desk are broken, so the teacher asks, 'Didn't we distribute some glue to stick wood together? Glue it back yourself later.' Another one complains that wind is blowing in from the broken window. The teacher says, 'I got it. I will apply for plastic bags and invisible glue to fix it later.' There are spider webs everywhere, not a patch of the wall is clean. A unique moldy smell spreads across the entire room; it must be from the old tatamis used to tile the floor. This is the status of class F. The protagonist feels displeased at such an arrangement, and seeks help from his friends to try to make a change through summoning war!! And they devise all kinds of plans to try to beat the famous class A, intending to get class A's classroom and equipment if they win!!


A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour. 1) Itou-san Numerous brief comics about the life of a single 28-year old known to readers only as Itou-san, and her day-to-day interactions with a colleague whom she later dates. 2) Sensei+ An ordinary 25-year old schoolteacher meets a man who claims he can use magic, and goes on to ask her to return the magic she's borrowed from him, although she has no memory of such a thing. But when she uses magic, she turns into a magical girl instead?! 3) Hajimari Masakazu meets his new step-sister for the first time. She's his age, and what's more, she's really cute. He's not really sure how he should handle this new addition in his life... 4) High & High Being a tall girl is problematic in so many ways. This is a short comic about a tall girl who laments her height. But with her even taller boyfriend now, she wonders if his height is the only reason she's dating him. 5) Doukei no Ie About a couple living in a ninja mansion. It would be the most awesome house if not for the fact that it is crawling with all sorts of booby traps and secret passageways - a pain to live in. What will come of the quarrel between the two over the decision to buy over and live in the mansion? 6) Chocolate Cake What does it mean when your husband suddenly buys a chocolate cake home on any other ordinary day? 7) Futari no Deai no Hanashi Kouhei fondly recalls how his love with Saitou started out - the awkward silences, nervous waiting, embarrassed smiles, and what it all finally led to. Based on a true story. 8) Bluff Harada is well known for her big mouth in rattling off all the faults of her seniors in the girls' volleyball club. But is there more than meets the eye? And how will the tension between Harada and the senior girls finally be resolved?

The End of Eternity

The End of Eternity summary: The End of Eternity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The End of Eternity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Flaxborough Chronicles - Hopjoy Was Here

Flaxborough Chronicles - Hopjoy Was Here summary: Flaxborough Chronicles - Hopjoy Was Here summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Flaxborough Chronicles - Hopjoy Was Here. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Violet Book

The Violet Book summary: The Violet Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Violet Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Go Ahead Boys and the Mysterious Old House

The Go Ahead Boys and the Mysterious Old House summary: The Go Ahead Boys and the Mysterious Old House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Go Ahead Boys and the Mysterious Old House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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