
































内容简介:洛:“执子之手,天下可弃!”沐:“执子之手,天下无惧!”沐:玄天女帝转生,拥有两世为人的记忆!“重活一世,今生定当证道成神!”“想动我未婚夫,先接我一剑!”“凤唳九天,玄天一剑!”洛: 彼岸的穿越者,拥有两个世界的知识!“我真没打算吃软饭,只是我的未婚妻太优秀了怎么办?”“我家沐沐可镇压这一世天骄,那我就默默处理上一世的老怪物吧!”“小心驶得万年船,斩首、补刀、火化、扬灰、湮灭神魂一条龙服务应该安全了吧!”1w0-97198 >>


内容简介:  不想当皇后的嫔妃不是好嫔妃,我们的目标是——教育乾渣龙!————新书《大清良人》求收藏!求养肥!拆迁暴发户卫嘉树倒霉穿越大清朝,结果发现,这个清朝竟不是历史记载的那个辫子朝!而是一 个叫宣建国穿越前辈建立的新朝代。她满腹槽点无处吐,实在憋得难受,直到遇见了一只能交流的阿飘君……大吐特吐之后才发现——阿飘君姓宣名承熠,乃是当今天子、开国太祖宣建国之孙也!卫嘉树:这个孙子!离魂症皇帝和活见鬼宫女。1w0-3793 >>


内容简介:周扬成为“最强男神系统”宿主,不论美女客户提出怎样的条件,周扬都会获得满足对方的相应能力。女神:“周扬,你不要接单了,我养你!”周扬呵呵笑道:“我怎么会为了一棵树而放弃整片森林呢?”1 w33317-68707 >>


内容简介:灾变过后,大地满目疮痍。 粮食匮乏,资源紧俏,局势混乱…… 一位从待规划区杀出来的青年,背对着漫天黄沙,孤身来到九区谋生,却不曾想偶然结识三五好友,一念之差崛起于乱世,开启了一段传奇故 事…… 2019.江湖还是那个江湖。 唯一指定微信公共账号—伪戒1w0-1146 >>


内容简介:《开局被希罗娜退婚:转手毁灭神奥》【小说:开局被希罗娜退婚:转手毁灭神奥】穿越神奇宝贝世界,成为大木博士的侄孙,小茂的堂哥。开局居然就被希罗娜一家子找上门退婚。病逝而消失的原主留下了唯 一的恳求,希望能够代替自己毁灭神奥。大木修表示你这个要求有点过分啊~不过我喜欢!从此一个令精灵世界闻风丧胆的存在诞生了。“妙蛙花!用树界降诞!”“百变怪!变身成阿尔宙斯吧!”“酋雷姆!摩珂钵特摩!”提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有1w0-75305 >>




内容简介:“我对着月亮偷偷许愿,愿你永远平安,永远快乐,永远和我在一起。”洛笙“裴砚青,你是我的光,只有我知道”裴砚青“洛笙,你往前面走,我一定在后面。”【文案】某天,武警大队出任务回来,正在八 卦他们新上任的大队长。陈副队一脸坏笑的说:“你们说队长把市长女儿都给拒绝了。莫不是个性冷淡。正在他们疑惑未解之时大家看到眼前的一幕,顿时愣在原地只觉受到了一万点暴击他们传闻中性冷淡的队长正把一个软软糯糯的小团子一样的小姑娘抵在墙上擒着她的唇吻得难舍难分。一边亲人家一边哑着声音说各位书友要是觉得《女朋友她又软又甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61833 >>


内容简介:小兵提供暑气难消大神最新作品《我夫人是男主白月光》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,我夫人是男主白月光小说txt下载,我夫人是男主白月光小说笔趣阁,我夫人是男主白月光无弹窗!本站最新最快更新我 夫人是男主白月光小说最新章节。1w0-69844 >>






内容简介:“你是我的宝,谁碰一下,都是抢。”他偏执入骨,所以上辈子陆凤璇不顾一切地逃离,直到临死,她才幡然悔悟。重生后,她抱紧老公的金大腿,一手虐渣一手虐狗两不耽误。敢说她蠢笨、刁蛮、自私又贪婪 ?御爷大手一挥:给我通通扔到海里喂鲨鱼!说她目无尊长,欺压小辈?御爷抱起他家小孩,笑容无比宠溺:“我惯的,谁有意见?”御爷以为他家小孩只是生育能力惊人,直到他心腹不小心扒出她的马甲——妙手回春的国医传人;称霸世界的超级黑客;天赋极佳的天才漫画家;她还是——华国第一权门真千金,上头有九个哥哥,个个都是宠妹狂魔!渣渣们颤抖:夫妻双大佬,惹不起惹不起……1w0-28923 >>


内容简介:  【爽宠文】第一次见面,她抱了他的腰,差点儿被他掐死。第二次见面,他翻进她的闺房,掀了她的被子,他说:扯平!一场赐婚,莫璃被接回京城,一不小心惹上冷酷嗜血、人人敬畏的摄政王。后来,经 历追妻火葬场的摄政王终于抱得美人归时,却不曾想,被他求才不得、屡请不到的俊美神医,是莫璃女扮男装。被他恨之入骨、恨不得挫骨扬灰的毒美人,也是莫璃本璃……*大师兄:我与莫璃自幼青梅竹马长大,乃是天作之合,我愿以性命相守,护她一生!皇帝:莫璃五岁时亲口答应嫁给朕,不可欺君!朕愿以江山为聘,封她为后,携手共赏大好山河!江湖某少主:莫璃是我命定之人,我愿以万两黄金为聘,求娶她当少主夫人,任她江湖肆意!莫璃生父:我的宝贝女儿,没我的同意,看谁敢碰?莫璃外公:我家有皇位等她继承,除非入赘,否则免谈!委委屈屈的景王:哪个我都惹不起,我暗恋!摄政王将莫璃堵在墙角,戾气十足:敢答应他们,本王即刻毁灭这个世界!最终,莫璃为了拯救全世界,成为摄政王妃……莫璃致全世界苍生:给你们表达感谢的机会→看这本书╮(╯3╰)╭【马甲文】【打脸文】1w0-2832 >>


[From DMP]: Toru is a shy and quiet student who has developed a special crush on his close friend Ryoji, the most popular member of the high school swim team. In front of Ryoji, Toru hides his feelings and acts as if he is just one of Ryoji's good friends, but in a moment out of the blue his world will be turned upside down as Ryoji will confess a secret desire for Toru. Dazzled, Toru can barely hide his excitement for Ryoji and quickly accepts his offer. As time passes, Toru's happiness begins to fade knowing that his affair with Ryoji was just a fling based out of Ryoji's sexual curiosity. Toru, adamant about his feelings for Ryoji, confides in another one of his close friend, Kashiwazaki, about his dilemma. The two set off to devise a plan to test Ryoji's true intentions by faking a romantic relationship. Soon after, a frustrated and jealous Ryoji attempts to pry Toru out of the arms of Kashiwazaki. Is it just as they planned? Yeah! That is of course until Toru realizes Kashiwazaki wasn't really faking! How could he not have seen it coming? Both Toru and Ryoji have hidden their feelings from each other in the past, but now they have discovered that they were not the only ones. Will Toru and Ryoji be reunited or will their true feelings for each other go unfulfilled?


Arion, a young man, is kidnapped by Hades as a child, raised to believe that his mother was blinded by Zeus, and that killing the ruler of Mount Olympus will cure her.

Kanojo No Honnou

Compilation of short stories: • Kanojo no Honnou Her Instinct 'I want to crush every love that began with a love letter.' Natsume began a relationship with a love letter. 3 months later, she got dumped. As she's walking home, she bumps into her classmate Aji-kun who's on his way to give a girl a love letter. Natsume decides to crush that love... • Todoketai Want to Reach You 'At home, along with the thoughs that make me choke inside... there's the 'make-believe family' that I have to pretend to be a part of...' Mana hates going home to a house with no one in it... but when her mother decides to remarry, Mana begins to hate going home even more. Because at home, there's Shin. • Mekakushi no Joousama The Blindfolded Princess 'I'm the queen of the library... if I'm seen, I'll disappear.' Inoue Yoriko can't refuse when people ask her for things, so she gets bullied at school. The only reason she goes, is to see Maki - the guy she loves. She thinks he hate her, so she can't confess to him. But when he hears her voice in the library, and tells her he loves it, will Yoriko decide to show her face or stay hidden forever? • Multi-Vitamin 'You are just.... A vitamin drug.' That's what Ichimiya Ai says to a guy right before she dumps him. As she is walking in the hall, she sees her junior sleeping against the wall... but why is her heart beating just looking at him? When the guy, Natsu, asks her out, she accepts... but something feels different about him... • Lovex2 de Kishi Love Love Knight 'Quickly, throw me away already! Don't hurt me more than you already have...' When Satsuki Mio confesses to the insanely popular ''Knight-kun'', she is so nervous she totally messes up (it's her first time confessing). Amused by her pureness, Knight-kun asks her to be his lover. At first, Mio can't believe she has such a good catch for her first boyfriend... but what if he doesn't really love her?

Ryouri Danshi No Kakusji Aji

Okuzumi is a plain salary man but he’s very skillful in cooking to the point that “he can become a wife anytime”. Souya is his young kouhai in the same company who works in the secretarial department. He’s not only good-looking but also capable, but suddenly he came insisting Okuzumi to teach him how to cook. Being stared at with his beautiful eyes with a mole underneath, he can’t refuse even if he wants to. As he continued teaching him, Okuzumi came to know that Souya is a very honest disciple… However, Souya has no sense of taste. Even so, seeing him working hard like that makes Okuzumi attracted to him. But when he suddenly puts his face close to Okuzumi when cooking… And then he says “You make a certain someone, want to make you his bride”…A Plain salary man with his way of teaching his handsome junior colleague♡

Mr. Bingle

Mr. Bingle summary: Mr. Bingle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Bingle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Multiverse Trip

My Multiverse Trip summary: Reincarnation? Wishes? A System? Magic? Harem? Pudding? This story has all of those. Multiverse travel, kingdom building, fan boy dreams come true in this wild story starting in the Harry Potter world. Instantly op character? nope. sharingan at the start? nope. shameless Mc? yep. shameless comedy? yep. NTR. nope. Just to let everyone know this is my first story English is my native language...

The Last Dickens

The Last Dickens summary: The Last Dickens summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Dickens. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Legend Of The Perfect Emperor

Legend Of The Perfect Emperor summary: Born with heavenly talent, supported by a family with a status above all, and in addition to his beyond perfect features, Tian Yi was the perfect man every maiden desired.
However, because of his flawless features, Tian Yi was confined inside his home by his parents for nearly his entire life, fearing the chaos he would cause just by walking around.
After learning that he would take over his father 's position as the next Celestial Emperor, Tian Yi decided to run away to the outside world.
There, the legend of a perfect emperor begins.

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