


简介出生在一个Sworder世家,可是竟无法成为Sworder,这一直是纱西露的心结。但从不轻言放弃的她,决定苦练剑术,凭借自己出色的身手,像Sworder 一样行正义之事! 目前与Coser楚南飞合作,两人分别假扮Sworder 与刃灵,以伪•Sworder的身份活跃中,遭遇了强劲的对手和事件……






























内容简介:尼玛的世界大条了,蹲个厕所的功夫居然穿越了! 世界框架被更改,抖音成了天庭版!世界瞧着也就差不多,但是! 【叮——嫦娥关注了你。】 【叮——水德星君打赏到账!】 …… 最最最重要的是! 吟个诗,抄个词,居然成了旷世纪佳作! 做歌曲,火爆电视网络,在随便搞个文学作品啥的一不留神就成了大神了! 艾玛,文抄公的世界太美妙……1w0-2144 >>


内容简介:关于一夜替嫁江太太马甲掉了:从小被当成傻子的夏乔,长大后被家人接回城里,代替继姐嫁给传说中冷酷暴戾,还身患隐疾的江少,但结婚后,两人都觉得对方画风不对。白莲花:“江太太又欺负我了!她医 术无双、还是投资天才……马甲超多!”江少:“胡说,我夫人又傻又单纯!谁要是敢欺负她,别怪我翻脸。”1w0-66840 >>




内容简介:当岁月走到了尽头,苍龙的朽骨化为了大地的碎片,罪恶的妖獠吞噬了生灵的血肉,暴戾的异族踏碎了民族的脊梁。 一位年轻人来到这个陌生的世界,他应当何去何从? 林沐雨选择了自己的天道,用铮 铮铁骨谱写出一曲异世狂歌,剑荡九霄,马踏星河,轻我欺我者必杀之。 铸仙剑,炼神魔,唯我称王。 —————————————————————— 叶子公众微信:shiluoye20141w0-2740 >>


内容简介:“召唤之星,启动!出来吧,传说中的勇者们!”主角念出这句话,所有的危机都将不再是危机。“咯咯~!有趣!没想到会有人向我‘一方通行’求援。”“杂种!私自召唤本王的代价你知道吗!”“汝是我 的吗?”“超电磁炮来了!”“哦咧哇刚大木!”“傻子那滚开!给我‘自由’让道!”“基拉等等!‘正义’引擎坏了……”“喂!等等我的‘命运’啊……”……“召唤之星就只有五发啊!!”“你怎么不早说啊!!!”×X飞卢郑重提醒1w0-98979 >>


内容简介:  “这个闪电利剑臂章,只有敢在阎王头上拉过屎,和死神掰过手腕的兵才有资格佩戴!告诉我!士兵,你有资格佩戴它吗?”庄严大声回答:有!我庄严有这个资格!(此书致敬每一位曾为国家奉献过青春 ,流过血、洒过汗的共和国军人!读者群号: 764555748 )1w0-886 >>


内容简介:  本文又名《从第一眼开始沦陷》  方策西女扮男装转到渝庆八中,住到“八中第一混子”言鹤次家,才得知“八中学神”余笙也住这儿,还睡在她下铺!  一开始,她以为[扛把子次]不好处,没想到 ,学神才是那个让她脑细胞直线下降,多巴胺直线上升的——————  [外直内骚·八中惹不起·披着羊皮的隐藏大佬]  所以她想逃......  他就堵,嘴里的糖喂给她:“听说吃甜食心情好点。”  方策西:好**!  她想逃到学校去住校......  他圈着她:“想不想关系变特别?”  “不想!”  “我想!”他夺走了她的初吻。  后来......某军官将自己千金许配给万年单身的特种作战指挥官余笙,同样万年单身的军医院高级医师向来依突然发了条微博:@向笙,恭喜,中银行两座!附图B超检查单!  老同学群炸了!  副cp[卫柒VS言鹤次]  【伪高冷真甜妹VS伪校霸真学神】  他嚣张混痞,一眼沦陷。  她过分纯甜,举步维艰。  他说:“有什么不懂的尽管吻我!”  她回:“......大可不必!”  后来,他对她唯一的亲人说:“我遗憾啊,遗憾她前十七年,没有我。”1w0-3249 >>


内容简介:【《男朋友变成鬼之后》《奶一口漂亮崽崽》求收藏~】李娇是王室最受宠的公主,性子却不见娇纵,反倒是温柔敦方,一张面容更是生的娇花美月般,朝中上上下下无一不称赞她就算对着北燕蛮荒之地来的那 位每日脏兮兮臭烘烘的质子,她也会弯下腰亲自替他拂去衣上的灰尘所有人都以为她是真的善良,那位质子也是这样的认为可直到某一天他亲眼瞧见李娇将那根碰过自己的手指反复的搓洗,厌恶之情几乎灼伤他的眼他贴身收藏的宝贝赠予她,却被她反手丢到一旁,面上哪还有半分温柔——“凭他,也配?”他咬牙切齿,恨得五脏六腑俱疼终于一天,他要让她知道他到底配是不配?※高大威猛且忠犬痴情的北燕王×外表端庄实际不怎么正常的王室女※甜文,真的是甜文※男主暗恋女主,一直暗恋那种······下本开············《男朋友变成鬼之后》“这世上,没有任何东西能阻止我爱她,死也不能”※男主从小暗恋女主,成了鬼也不能停止爱她的心※男主病娇忠犬属性,甜文甜文甜文······古言预收············奶一口漂亮崽崽》漆黑的雨夜,雷声大阵清辞在屋外捡到了个病殃殃的小少年小少年的身上只穿着勉强弊体的衣物,小小的身子缩成一团,抬起的眼里含着泪光,啪嗒一下那泪珠子就落在了地上一声惊雷他忽然伸手扯住她的衣角“姐姐,你可怜可怜我吧后来清辞才知晓,这小少年是流落在外的皇子※外表小奶狗×一直很温柔※养成1w0-27256 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!】江天获得【全职业体验系统】,系统要求他分别体验保安、外卖员、滴滴司机、健身教练等各种职业,只要完成任务,就能获得丰富的奖励。 “叮!完成完美履职任务,奖励8000万兰博基尼毒药超跑一辆。”“叮!完成准时送达任务,奖励7个亿二环晋王府别墅一座。”“叮!完成安全无忧任务,奖励900亿金融街商业写字楼十栋。”各种职业,体验人生百态。女记者街头采访:“帅哥,请问如果你拥有一亿财富你会怎么办?”江天若有所思的回答:“删掉一半的微信好友。”众人鄙视江天:因为如果只剩这点钱,我已经不配和企鹅老板、阿离老板这些千亿富豪交朋友了。众人:“”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!,别忘记分享给朋友作者:神豪豪所写的《都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-96832 >>




内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:武侠:我出关就是陆地神仙】叶然穿越综武世界,成为张三丰师兄,随后觉醒修仙系统,却只得到一本修仙功法,还被坑爹的要求闭关百年,突破金丹境。六十年后,就在叶然突破金丹 前夕,无数武林门派居然逼上武当,要求武当弟子张翠山说出金毛狮王谢逊下落。灭绝姑:“张翠山,你若不说出谢魔头下落,今日别想善了。”少林空闻:“张施主,我等只是要一个除魔消息而已,莫要执着。”玄冥二老:“张翠山你若不说,你儿无忌的姓名便保不住了。”武当派,愤怒异常,张三丰想要出手,却被少林四位先天高手牵制。就在这时,天空祥云无数,龙凤起舞。叶然出关了!一出关便是陆地神仙,老妖怪境,吊打无数高手。小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80400 >>


内容简介:本文将于号入V,请小天使多多支持!预收文求收藏:《孩子他爸失忆了》所有人都知道喻疏是某大型娱乐公司的总裁,生的好看气质冷艳,只要是个流量小生就想和她炒绯闻。所有人也知道温雁北是位演技一 流的好演员,气质温润待人有礼,只要是个年轻演员就会尊称一声“温老师”。而“德艺双馨”的温老师最喜欢的事情就是在家看玛丽苏神剧,一边给正在开会的喻疏发消息:“你已经五分钟没回我消息,你是不是不爱我了。”喻疏:……小剧场:喻疏:今天拍戏还顺利吗?温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:有没有人在你面前耍大牌欺负你?我给你撑腰。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:我们一起去吃饭吧,那家的点心做的可好吃了。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:……那我走了。温雁北:你敢!女友力Max的娱乐圈女大佬X在外温润贵公子在家小作精的演技帝注意:1女宠男2每晚八点准时更新3书名很雷,本文更雷4全文无脑甜推荐基友文:幻言文:《穿成大佬假妹妹》然后当了女总裁和大神写手耽美文:《大兄弟,你的头掉了》——悲催作者传到自己笔下的恐怖小说里,和主角一起解密逃生!完结的娱乐圈甜文,可以宰了~《靠败家征服娱乐圈》还有基友的预收文推荐哦~《帝女[快穿]》1w0-97995 >>

Hiren Trip

From 200 wpm: Miyu, an ordinary new first-year student who hopes to become a mangaka meets the schools’ class president who seems to have a hidden side to him. While being pushed around by the cool but private class president, the curtain on Miyu's stormy school life is raised.

Kiken Mania

From Shoujo Crusade: After breaking up with their respective exes due to certain circumstances, Nono and Kazuma suddenly find themselves in a relationship. How much does it really take to make things work?


From KodanClub: Akira Shindo has been transferred to Fuga High School where she is almost raped by a group of young thugs. She meets Mahiru Suruga, a mysterious but beautiful girl with both arms in bandages. Mahiru is aloof and cold. Her motto is, 'I will neither rely on others nor have anything to do with others.' The two girls get caught up in a series of incidents at school and Mahiru, a strong fighter, always manages to sort them out. Mahiru starts to soften up, as she becomes friends with Akira, who loves to stick her nose into other people's business. Mahiru's school life is turned upside-down as many people approach her. Kaede is a high school student training as a swordmaster under a senile old man, who turns out to be a real pervert and a fake. Mahiru's father also comes into the story and things get chaotic. One day, Satoru Tsunami, a high school student and an aspiring reporter starts following Mahiru. He deeply respects Mahiru and considers her the strongest high school student and a rebel against adults. Why is Mahiru so strong? Satoru tries to find out her secret. Why has Mahiru shut herself out? What is going on inside Mahiru's mind?

Tenshi No Kyuu

He likes to watch women' butts from below when climbing train's stairway. One day, his favorite girl fell down, hit her butt to him, broken his arm. She then offers to cook for him while he's still injured...for a month.

Godfather Of Champions

Godfather Of Champions summary: This is a story about the pursuit of victory. — “I subscribe only to the theory of victory. I only pursue victory. As long as I am able to obtain victory, I don’t care if it’s total football or counterattack. What is the ultimate goal of professional soccer? In my opinion, it is victory, and the pinnacle of victory is to become the champions. I am a manager. If I don’t wish to lose my job or be forgotten by the people, there’s only one path for me to take, and that is to lead the team in obtaining victories, in obtaining championship t.i.tles!” The main character was not well-liked by people. — “⋯We conducted a survey which had been deemed by Manager Tony Twain as extremely meaningless. In a random street survey conducted, ninety-three percent of those surveyed chose the option ‘I hate Tony Twain’, while only seven percent chose the option ‘This person is rather decent, I like him’. It is worth noting that n.o.body chose the option ‘Who is Tony Twain? I don’t know him’. Mark, do you know why Manager Twain felt that our survey was very meaningless?” Parker, a reporter from laughed loudly and said when he was being interviewed by BBC. But there were also people who were madly in love with him. — When Tony Twain was forced to talk about the survey conducted by during an interview, his reply was : “I am happy, because Nottingham Forest’s fans make up seven percent of England’s population.” And he did not seem to care about how the others saw him. — “What are you all trying to make me say? Admit that I am not popular, and everywhere I go will be filled with jeers and middle fingers. You all think I will be afraid? Wrong! Because I am able to bring victory to my team and its supporters. I don’t care how many people hate me and can’t wait to kill me, and I also won’t change myself to accommodate the mood of these losers. You want to improve your mood? Very simple, come and defeat me.” His love story had garnered widespread attention. — “Our reporters took these pictures at Manager Tony Twain’s doorsteps. It clearly shows that Shania entered his house at 8.34pm and she did not leave the house throughout the night at all. But Manager Tony Twain firmly denies, and insists that that was merely the newest-model inflatable doll which he had ordered. He was the number one star of the team. — “⋯ Became the spokesperson of world-wide famous clothing brands, shot advertis.e.m.e.nts, frequented the fashion industry’s award ceremonies, endorsed electronic games, has a supermodel girlfriend. His earnings from advertis.e.m.e.nts exceed his club salary by seventeen times, owns a special column in various print medias, publishing his autobiography (in progress), and is even said that he is planning to shoot an inspirational film based off his own person experiences! Who can tell me which part of his life experiences is worthy of being called ‘inspirational’? Hold on⋯. Are you all thinking that I’m referring to David Beckham? You’re sorely mistaken! I’m talking about Manager Tony Twain⋯.” He was very knowledgeable about Chinese soccer. — “⋯ I’ve heard about it, that Bora gifted four books to his manager Mr. Zhu before your country’s national team’s warm up match. After which, the team lost 1:3 to a nameless American team from Major League Soccer. The new excuse that Mr. Zhu gave for losing the match, was that Bora gifted “books” (‘books’ and ‘lose’ are h.o.m.ophones in the Chinese language). Here, I recommend that you guys find out what that one specific book is. Which book? Of course the one that caused you all to score a goal. After that, tell me the t.i.tle of the book. Before every match, I will gift ten copies of that same book to you. In that case, won’t you all be able to get a triumphant 10:0 win over your opponents every time?” An excerpt taken from Tony Twain’s special column in a certain famous Chinese sports newspaper. He was loved and hated by the press. — “He has a special column in at least four renowned print media, and he is able to get a considerable amount of remuneration just by scolding people or writing a few hundred words of nonsense weekly. While we have to contemplate hard about our drafts for three days before our boss is pleased with it. In an article inside his special column, he scolded and called all of the media ‘son of a b.i.t.c.h’, announcing that he hated the media the most. But every time he publishes an article, we flock towards him like flies which had spotted b.u.t.ter. Why? Because the readers like to read his news and see him scold people. I dare to bet with you, and Manager Tony Twain knows clearly in his heart as well, that even though he says that he hates us, he knows that the present him cannot do without us. Similarly, we also cannot do without him. Is this ultimately considered a good or a bad thing?” Bruce Pearce, a reporter from said with a face of helplessness when talking about Tony Twain. But no matter the case, his players were his most loyal believers. — Gareth Bale, “No no, we never had any pressure when playing on our home grounds. Because the pressure is all on the manager. As long as we see him standing by the side of the field, all of us will feel that we will be able to win that match. Even the football hooligans are like meek lambs in front of him!” (After saying this, he began to laugh out loudly) The reply from George Wood, the team captain of Nottingham Forest, was the most straightforward. “We follow him because he can bring us victory.” The legendary experience of Tony Twain, the richest, most successful, most controversial manager with the most unique personality! Debuting this summer. Thank you for reading.

Waiting For The Train

Waiting For The Train summary: Why is that, every time I would try to say my feelings, the train would always stop me? I thought to myself, would I really let the train stop my feelings? That’s why inhaling deeply, with my hands at each side of my mouth, I shouted, “I LIKE YOU!” But as I shouted, the door had already closed and the train had already gone off. No matter how strong your heartbeat is and even if he’s near, if a train pa.s.sed by, he won’t hear it. Train Guy: “Hi!” Train Girl: “h.e.l.lo!”

Chip, of the Flying U

Chip, of the Flying U summary: Chip, of the Flying U summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chip, of the Flying U. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France

The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France summary: The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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