






类别恋爱 少女






简介超级内容出品,阅文起点中文网的同名小说改编。一个魅力非凡、能力超强的退伍特种兵,被仇人满世界追杀,又被恶势力盯上,还得保护身边挚爱之人,是种什么体验?周四、周日更新!一群:622177570(满) 二群:707630244(满) 三群:725728052(满)四群:798837555(满)五群:829703154





















内容简介:  不知道怎么写简介,就不写了吧,EMMMM.....................还是写一点吧,穿越民国年代,成为九叔的大弟子.....1w0-328






内容简介:衣冠南迁,胡狄遍地,汉家子弟被屠戮殆尽。血雨腥风,刀枪剑影,血性男儿的绝地反击。以挽吾汉之既倒,扶华夏之将倾。他垂危受命,力挽狂澜,救冉闵,灭氐秦,平鲜卑,定天下,创立大魏武卒,横扫天 下!这里有勇冠天下的冉闵、有东山再起的谢安、王羲之、王猛、刘牢之;魏晋士子风流俏佳人,花前月下,剪不断理还乱的爱恨缠绵。且看后世一个叱诧风云的黑道大佬,如何玩转五胡乱华。1w0-84121 >>


内容简介:她上辈子一定欠了龙祁钰很多银子,这辈子才为他拼命还债。她女扮男装助他夺得皇位,谋得天下,她助他指点江山,娶得三宫六院,她将最美的年华统统给了他,在他大婚的晚上,她终是脱下丞相的官服,拜 倒在他面前:“臣,请求辞官。”1w0-96800 >>






内容简介:「文案一」大晋长安朝臣皆知,燕侯与长公主的婚姻乃是在先帝病榻前仓促而成,有名而无实,因此,尽管成亲八年,二人未有子嗣也是情理之中。一日,有御史上奏弹劾长公主无德,一曰无子,无子者八年无 出;二曰善妒,善妒者燕侯无妾。燕侯怒,于殿上称有寡人之疾,曰:于公,长公主为吾君,主辱臣死;于私,长公主为吾妻,夫妻一体。御史辱我妻本书关键词:现代言情《本侯有疾》小说推荐:刺青、领主时代:百倍增幅、玄幻:我!天命大反派、神之禁忌目录、异界之步步生莲、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、秋以为期、冷宫签到八十年,我举世无敌、居山海、跨物种相亲、醉卧红尘梦未醒之载酒行、三国:开局收服太后、十年对手,一朝占有、大唐双龙传:开局奖励雄霸30年功力、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、都市:总裁姐姐,我不想努力了!、我、我是你的、绯闻太多是我的错吗、星际之亡灵帝国、爱情公寓:全能逗比、一枝、综漫良善一念为恶人间、职场小白升职记、海贼:垂钓就变强、至尊强婿、灰大叔与混血王子、霸爱(GL)、生途1w0-73206 >>


内容简介:  和谐全家,发家致富。  十里八乡一朵俏金花!  ……  1w0-84


内容简介:弥留之际,外交官父亲将自己十八岁的女儿托孤给了自己的得意门生。两年后——她是外交学院留级两年的极品学渣。风光归来,他是金陵史上最年轻的驻外大使。她鬼灵,她精怪,她坑夫无度。他毒舌,他高 冷,他宠妻上瘾。她叫慕柒柒,七天七夜不安生的柒。他叫靳御,音同“禁欲”,据说能撩起他欲望的只有慕柒柒。一对一,宠文,无虐,无小三,欢1w0-29997 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:人在漫威,开局扮演神话人物】穿越漫威世界,获得神话扮演系统。在这个华夏没有神话传承的漫威世界,开启东方神话时代!神盾局。“福瑞局长,我们进入到名为天庭的异空间 。”“里面有什么?”探索员惊恐道:“数以亿计,名为天兵战甲的外骨骼战衣!其中蕴含的科技,我们的科学家完全无法理解!!”卡玛泰姬。“这1w0-70964 >>

Ichizude Karen Na Ore-Sama

Itsuki is the number one host at the club 'The Rose Garden'. Somehow, he has fallen in love with Ryou, the shy, innocent newcomer. Itsuki is unsure how to confess his feelings, but then, for the club's 5th anniversary, he is asked to wear a very special costume... Will Itsuki's beauty catch Ryou's eye?

Ai No Joou

From ShoujoMagic: Story 1: The Indigo-Blue Queen ~The Stage Actress Murder Case~ Riko adores the talented stage actress Katzuki Ichie, who is best known for her performance as 'The Indigo-blue Queen,' a noble woman who is poisoned. However, Ichie is worth more to some people dead than alive, and she's been receiving anonymous death threats. When the curtain falls on the final show of 'The Indigo-blue Queen,' Ichie dies as the cryptic threats foretold, and everyone -- including Riko -- is suspect...!? Story 2: Private Room Shouko and Aiko Kuramochi are sisters who live alone with their father. Their father gets hospitalized and falls in love with a beautiful doctor... Afterwards the doctor moves in with her beautiful son... Inspite of his beauty Yuki is cold and without emotion...

Animal X: Genshi Sairai

Far away from home, Yuuji and Minato have carved a place for themselves in Alberta, Canada, with their new baby daughter, Yui. Yuuji works at a University, while Minato – though still as childish as ever despite being a new dad, works at the conservation center as a mediator for the better understanding between humans and Dinosauroids. It’s been a year since the contagion called X Syndrome had been unleashed on the human race. Just as distinguished government officials and police force began to regain control of the situation, the existence of the Dinosauroids became known by the academic community. Dinosauroids – while they have a tendency to possess superhuman abilities, female births are extremely rare and problematic. Which is why the existence of Yuuji (a converted female Dinosauroid), and the newly born Yui are so valuable and sought after by many – most of whom wont hesitate to resort to dubious means to acquire either one of them! True to words, Yuuji has indeed become the beauty as many had predicted – provided he takes off his heavy glasses of course! He is never short of admirers – both males and females, including a University student Linea, and the various Dinosauroid males eager to mate with a Dinosauroid female. And this is where the role of a female in a heavily populated male Dinosauroid society comes to play. Add to that, the various nefarious people after the newly born Yui, both the parents Yuuji and Minato might have their hands full this time around as well. This is the third and final installment of the Animal X series.

Oxide 2 - Carta Numinous

The Second Works (Magna Carta)This is just a partial.

In the Cards

In the Cards summary: In the Cards summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Cards. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Observations on Madness and Melancholy

Observations on Madness and Melancholy summary: Observations on Madness and Melancholy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Observations on Madness and Melancholy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Problematic Little Sister Fell In Love With Me

Problematic Little Sister Fell In Love With Me summary: My old man pointed to the flower-like woman and said, 'Call her mother from now on.' He then pointed to a flower-bud-like girl and said, 'This is your little sister.'
My sister is not cute.
She is arrogant, taciturn, and weird, but she knows how to please our parents.
She is two-faced and deceitful, but it seems like she only treats me that way.
I care for her, try to please her as much as I could, but she still dislikes me.
Until one day, I found out her secret, our relationship begins to get a little bit weird...

Eastern Palace

Eastern Palace summary: She is the much loved and spoilt ninth princess of Xi Liang country. She embarked on the road to Central Plains (Zhongyuan) for an arranged marriage. He is the almighty and powerful crown prince. Because of a political marriage, he is forced to marry a foreign princess. He has his own beloved concubine, Zhao Liang Di. She has her own life, escaping from the palace to ride horse, disguising as a young man, chasing thieves, sending lost children home and drinking wine. Initially, their lives are like two parallel lines, never intersecting. However, the fight for power and position in the eastern palace, endless gossip, and hidden murderous intentions lead her to get involved step-by-step.
After surviving a near death experience, she suddenly recalled what happened three years ago:
His blind date with her ​​in the desert,
He beheaded the white-eyed wolf king in Tian Gen mountain for her sake.
They held a grand wedding on the prairie.
However, he also brought her disaster, a b.l.o.o.d.y genocide …
River of Forgetfulness, to forget a love.
When her memory returned, how should she choose?
(Credits: this part is translated by peanuts on bookshushengbar.)

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