






简介林岚,她是落魄的草根模特,漂亮、倔强、为爱不顾一切,却发现抵不过对手胸脯三两肉,被前男友背叛、利用,才知一心一意想要嫁给他不过一场笑话。 阎军令,他是高高在上的娱乐帝王,尊贵、冷酷、翻手为云覆手为雨,却对她一见钟情,柔情备至。 幸福来得太突然,让她备觉惶恐,却不知道这背后藏着怎样一个深情的秘密……






























内容简介:  祝觉成为了轮回者,穿梭在轮回世界中执行任务…《午夜凶铃》:那一卷录像带记录着童年阴影,对于所有轮回者来说代表死亡,但他却知道破解诅咒的方法。《僵尸世界大战》:所有轮回者都低估了这个 世界的僵尸的战斗力,但他却能免疫僵尸,在尸群中来去自如。《死囚乐园》:轮回者既死囚,而他却能成为死囚的主宰者,掌控游戏规则!《魔兽》《全职猎人》《生化危机》……飘舞吧,黑暗中的乌鸦们!!!(新书启航,请系好安全带,扔掉行囊,跟着我的新车…新书一起自由的飞翔。)1w0-3480 >>


内容简介:一张极其普通,又极其特殊的“录取通知书”,一个没有名字的“大学”。极度厌恶学校的普通少年尹旷,因为一纸“通知书” 来到这个所谓的“大学”。然后,他才觉得,以前他所厌恶的学校,简直就是天堂。在这个“大学”里,尹旷活着的唯一目标,就是拿到那张该死而血腥的“毕业证”!1w0-1082 >>


内容简介:既然天看不见我,那么从此我的眼中也不再有天!一块神秘的黑色石头带着他走出了十万大山,靠着一次次觉醒,不断变强,走上了武道的巅峰。这里有武者与修真者之间的宿命之战,这里有人与妖兽之间的立 场之战,这里有时代与时代之间的碰撞之战!纵使红尘万丈,烟花易冷,我心不变!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《真镜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64622 >>


内容简介:世人皆知,当今天子性情暴虐,杀人如麻。后宫佳丽三千,无一敢近其身。后宫众妃:争宠?不存在的!苟住小命要紧!皇帝登基五年尚无子嗣,朝臣们都操碎了心。就在这时,沈太傅家那位痴傻的小孙女阿措 ,主动扑进了皇帝怀中。满朝文武&后宫上下:震惊!!!后来,沈家阿措升职加薪,搞到皇帝,一朝有孕,坐上皇后宝座,走上人生巅峰。世人皆赞皇后好命能生,无人知晓,皇帝在夜深人静之时,刻苦学习“恋爱入门指南”“好男人必备守则”“论证男人怀孕的可能性”……听说皇后又有喜了,皇帝盯着手里的书页直皱眉,“阿措那么怕疼,怕是又得哭了,要是朕能替她生就好了。”阿措:其实我真的不是人……---【食用指南】1-多子多福小石榴精X口是心非傲娇暴君。2-小甜文1v1,架的很空,求别考据3-男主性格有缺陷,真-有病-暴君,女主会慢慢治愈他的1w0-4469 >>




内容简介:  弘治十一年,弘治中兴正由兴盛走向衰落,贤臣们年衰致仕,内阁三人渐渐老去,弘治皇帝励精图治,也无法将大明推向更高的太平盛世。此时,京城西北角的破旧院落中,一个书生正翻阅着史料,检查这 个大明和穿越前那个,是否严丝合缝。1w0-1637 >>




内容简介:人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带小说阅读玄幻魔法类型小说人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带由作家日子好难过创作陈诺穿越到胎里没想到一睁眼发现隔壁还有个小胎儿。小兵提供 人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带最新章节人在娘胎:隔壁女帝想拔我脐带最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-78809 >>




内容简介:(这本后面的部分不好写,我得慢慢来,跳坑请慎重)御雷派掌门亲传弟子沈倦,生来一副好模样,但为人不思进取,成日只知吃喝玩乐。天下第一的圣阶剑者沈见空,是沈倦师兄。沈见空一直以为沈倦只能当 猫养着,供在门派精心伺候,却没想到沈倦一出刀,刀光雪亮,映天地失色。“既然天道对你不公,我便替你,掀了这天。”沈见空一身白衣,望着坐在月色中的人,轻声说道。“然后呢?”沈倦满身月色,就花饮酒,漂亮的桃花眼轻弯成扇。“然后……这世间之人若要信仰什么才可活,那我,便是这世界的新神。”“我叫沈倦,懒倦的倦。”“我不太擅长打打杀杀,平时就养猫逗狗打麻将这个样子,所以我的心愿,是世界和平。”“但如果有谁敢打扰我的养老生活,这一刀下去,你必然会死。”“哪怕你,是这世间至高无上的神佛。”月上刀寒,寒光也可照夜纵红尘梦苦,春来犹折花千万别打扰我养老·不然我一刀下去你会死·大美人受x百年不变面瘫脸·修剑穷三代但我很有钱·天下第一攻师兄弟cp曾用名《仙道第一吉祥物》接档文求预收《说好的协议结婚竟然》我是个omega,不屑装b混入军校这种操作。我凭自己的本事入了一所综合性大学,念机甲技师专业,本系那些弱鸡alpha只有被我吊打的分。没错,我是个天才。但天才也会为生活所迫。因为某些原因,我嫁给了一个贵族alpha,他是个将军,据说杀伐果断冰冷无情。但这和我无关,因为我们签下了互不干扰的协议。没想到三个月后……他失忆了!还想标记我!狗逼alpha,果然没一个好东西!《抑制剂失效》1、谢翡是个omega,长得漂亮玩得开。有一次,他真心话大冒险输了,抽到对校草告白这样的惩罚。他半点没怂,拿着喇叭上天台,铿锵有力朗诵了一首情诗。一中的校草是顾方晏,成绩优异背景深厚,为人冷淡,不太好接近。谢翡对这类人不感兴趣,告完白没多久就和别的Alpha走到一起。2、一年前谢翡休学养病,身体出了点问题,所有的抑制剂都对他失效,要想安稳度过发情期,只能找alpha。其实谁都可以,但他碰上的人,偏偏是顾方晏。空无一人的自习室,谢翡背贴在墙上,难受得想哭。顾方晏垂眼看他:“要我帮你可以,叫声好听的。”谢翡偏头,试探性开口:“哥哥?”1w0-28769 >>

Bitter - Nakechau Koi Monogatari

Story 1: N Island is a small island where all the kids know each other, and they're excited to meet the new transfer student from Tokyo. Fifth grader Kanta doesn't want it to be a girl, because his classmate Kyo is the only icky girl the island needs. In a way that makes Kyo happy -- because she's always known she wants to live out her life on the island as Kanta's wife someday. But the transfer student, Ritsuka, is a girl, and a shy one with a mother who's shunned by the island. So Kyo makes it her mission of good faith to assimilate Ritsuka, but then Kanta starts acting more interested in Ritsuka than in Kyo... When the main cloud splits into a butterfly cloud, which girl will be the one to separate from the rest...? Story 2: Racing Queen, by IZUMI Kaneyoshi When it comes to being a racing queen (it's like being a cheerleader for Nascar), you're either a bitch or a lost puppy. Ei learns this lesson the hard way from Akane, the reigning racing queen of the famous Meitoh Team, when Ei joins the team to put herself through college. It's only by doing harm to others that you succeed, and once you've succeeded, everyone wants to do harm to you. Ei's dream was to be the top racing queen, but once she gets there, it turns into her worst nightmare... Story 3: English Garden, by SAKURAKOUJI Kanoko Hayato is moving to England in one month, so he approaches Fumio and tells her to date him -- almost like a command. He's dominating, stubborn, and selfish, and Fumio really can't say no. But Hayato isn't without his charm; he has a talent for making things grow, and he designed a gorgeous English garden. Now he wants to spend his last month in Japan building a garden with Fumio. As the garden grows and changes, so do its gardeners... and as time becomes strained, so do their emotions... Story 4: Pure White Anniversary, by AYASE Riu: Just by selecting her, and saying her name, she became the class´ representative, and after time, trusted by teachers and students. That always maked her excited about working hard and being better. But, not all is white, not all is pure, when she was in trouble, A guy suddenly appears to help! Who is this guy? Why is he helping her? And, why does Sakura feels scared whenever she is with him? Well... we sure want to know. Story 5: The Coffee Shop that Ends Unrequited Love, by ADACHI Keiko This story is about a gilr called Rui. She's always too late on dates. But when she met Shiyouta she fell in love with him an want to be not late anymore... Story 6: Great Waiters?, by WASHIO Mie At 175 cm, Eisei (real name Haruyo) never thought she would ever find a boyfriend because of her height and her rather tomboyish looks and demeanour. Under her friends' recommendation, however, a visit to the renowned 'Hot Cafe' caused her to fall for a charming waiter named Kono... who promptly dragged her to fill the vacancy -- as a male waiter?! Having a chance to get closer to him is one thing, but has Kono also accidentally mistaken her for a boy?! How is Eisei supposed to express her feeling for him now? With a cafe filled with handsome waiters and the pretty girls who swoon over them, this 'pretty boy' has work cut out for her!

Venus Kiss!!

Ikumi has always admired his sempai but one day, his sempai rapes him... This manga is a prequel for 2-14 Jiken.

Maou Voice

In a world where demons and humans are at war, there exists a Demon King, whose voice holds a power that destroys all in its way. When an unusual Hero attacks his castle, what's a Demon King to do other than confess his love? But thanks to meddling minions and the inconvenience of a voice that destroys everything in its path, his confession may not go according to plan...

Thank You My God

From Fujoshi Bitches : Throwing away his hometown and family, Nico left home with empty hands. He then meets a young man in a foreign land, Eli. But he's suddenly faced with the affection from his younger brother Will that came looking for him, and the letters that keep coming from his mother... The various forms of love revolving around Nico are all here.

Come And Find Me

Come And Find Me summary: Come And Find Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Come And Find Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Galaxy, April, 1877

The Galaxy, April, 1877 summary: The Galaxy, April, 1877 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Galaxy, April, 1877. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis

Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis summary: U.C. 0096, 6 months after the Laplace incident and the revealing of the original UC charter, the Federation dispatches an investigation agency to probe the remains of Axis. This agency includes two civilians by the names of Arlette Almage and Danton Hylegg. These two were once Technical Engineer and Test pilot, working for the Republic of Zeon, and then Neo Zeon. The group is ambushed as they were infiltrating Axis, a place that should have been deserted. And so Arlette and Danton are caught up in a turn of events no one could have predicted&h.e.l.lip;

Dragon-Marked War God

Dragon-Marked War God summary: Dragon Marked War G.o.d is a very popular, and highly rated online novel with exciting and interesting content. The story is combined with different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, martial arts, and romance among others. Su Yue Xi is the author of this book, and it is published on NovelOnlineFull. So if you are interested, you can find it there. The story is most suitable for readers who prefer long stories because there are almost two thousand chapters available as part of this novel, and the new updates are on their way as well. So if you are a fan of a story that never ends, this is the right solution for your entertainment.
This story contains one great character with extraordinary abilities and power. He is so powerful that he can make real miracles. He is even capable to create new worlds, so his power can be of tremendous benefit for millions. However, he can also be dangerous at moments, especially when enemies appear. This powerful figure was the greatest saint in the past life, so he inherited many of his powers from that period. However, he was born again at the beginning of the story, and he is ready to start and develop new adventures.
It is almost impossible to compete against this guy because he is virtually unbeatable. With effectiveness of 100%, he is a real nightmare for every opponent in this story. The saint speed is also unquestioned, so others are unable to oppose him even when it comes to that aspect of the martial arts.
This former saint has preserved the enormous experience fro the past life. And it now enables him to use all kind of fighting techniques and eliminates virtually any enemies out there. You can find truly good fighters in this story. The action is the main genre, however, no one of these great masters possesses the skills and experience from the past life. That’s why the former saint is much better than any of them. And he was very powerful in the past life, he was not just a regular guy so that matters too.
But he is not the satin anyone as well, and he is named Jiang Chen in this new life. Jiang has dressed appropriately to a man of his abilities and supernatural powers. There are different features of his cloths, and he has a handsome figure and long black hair. It is totally clear that he is a very strong individual even at first sight. You do not have to know about his past, but you can conclude that by his appearance only.
Jiang has a big love for his friends and family, however, he is merciless to his opponents. That’s why many are willing to avoid any type of confrontation with him. Jiang is calm in every situation, no matter how dangerous that can be. He can handle it without any problems. Despite his kind nature, he can also manipulate with others to take different advantages if necessary.
All in all, the story hides different twist and turns, so you can enjoy various events. And that’s the best thing a reader can get from a novel of this kind.

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