































内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:康雷亲自倒茶,看懵龚箭】穿越至特种兵世界,林宇在军校毕业前夕遭遇国际雇佣兵蝎子,死党残忍射杀,林宇发誓报仇!还好觉醒了训练系统,只要训练就可以无限变强 ,同时获得各种强大能力。开局被分配到铁拳团,担任神枪手四连连长!何晨光:我本以为我的枪法已经无敌了,但是见到林宇之后才知道什么是真正的枪法王艳兵:这家伙根本不是人,体能太恐怖了!叶寸心:林宇长官是我的男神啊,好像嫁给他!安然:我的男人是九州最强的军人!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78916 >>

烟雨夜(校园H 1v1)



内容简介:  胡孝民在上海成为孤岛时,用军统身份打入76号,借敌之手,办己之事,一路升迁,一路抗日,算计他的,都被他算计,陷害他的,都被他陷害。本书算是《交锋2》新书《我真的是一个外卖员啊》已经 上传啦,都市爽文带谍战,斗智加装逼,可以一看。1w0-4314 >>


内容简介:盛世开元,物华天宝。忆昔开元全盛日,忆昔天宝承平时。九天阊阖开宫殿,万国衣冠拜冕旒。开元全盛之后,天宝末年,大唐依旧繁华,然盛世之下,危机潜藏。曾经励精图治的皇帝失去了往日的雄心,开始 厌倦朝政,醉生梦死;朝廷上李林甫、杨国忠两大奸臣当道,官怒民怨;朝廷外,安禄山身兼三镇节度使,手握重兵,密谋反叛。天宝九年,大唐的兵锋到达了全盛,然盛极则衰,第二年,大唐就同时遭遇三场大败,其中以怛罗斯之战安西军败于大食最为可惜。四年后,就是安史之乱,盛世不再,千载遗恨。我们的故事,就从怛罗斯之战前,高仙芝回安西的路上开始。萧去病,这位千年之后的来客,自从他从天而降,出现在天宝十年的河苍烽外,大唐的历史便因他而改写,盛世绵延。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《盛唐神话》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64674 >>


内容简介:张子伟:段坤我吃定了!耶稣也留不住他,我说的!钟为正:芥末,咖喱汁,辣椒酱,酱油,涂哪种?也让你说……王宝:十二点之后,这里我说的算!钟维正:OK!OK!宝哥发话,一定给你面子!告诉外 围的伙计再等十分钟!一点钟准时抓人!……简介无力,书名无能,只能努力丰富书的内容来取悦各位读者老爷!1w0-84427 >>


内容简介:上辈子,苏橙被渣男贱女联合设计,丢到公海上,不堪屈辱跳海而死。更是害的爱她宠她,把她捧在手心的男人遭遇车祸,落了个半身不遂的下场。一朝重生,她捡起智商,走上了虐渣渣和抱大腿之路。白天脚 踩白莲手撕渣男,晚上开启宠夫模式。“老公,这件蕾丝睡裙好看吗?”“老公,我睡不着”陆易深头疼的捏了捏眉心,他的宝贝天天挑战他的忍耐力怎么办?“不怕我又让你哭?”她忽而凑近他,娇柔的嗓音贴着他的耳骨,“你是我老公,我情愿哭。”各位书友要是觉得《重生后成了陆先生的心尖宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80661 >>


内容简介:请注意,这是原创轻小说,非同人文!敬启:秦青同学,你好,经本校核查确认,你已获得入学龙魂学园的资格,请收拾好你的行李,跟亲戚朋友好好道别,于7月1号搭乘191路公交车到达公园前站下车, 转乘地铁5号线到达清华寺再转ATM线,到达英雄墓园搭乘龙魂学园专线列车,列车将于晚上七点启程,请注意时间不要错过。——————秦青是个认真又努力的让无数学渣跪舔的学霸,为了实现上天的梦想有一颗坚定执着的心,直到有一天,她收到了一封莫名其妙的来信,换了一所超能力学校……据说,在那里,她是个废材?呵呵。女主没有超能力,但是总攻帅炸天!!!一路苏爽不解释!本文将于4月11日,也就是明天上架,届时掉落一万字更新!请多多支持!1w0-98360 >>




内容简介:开文那年,江城一场灾难,那个从地狱里爬出来的少年,站在在阴暗的角落里,凝视世界。他残忍、乖戾,阴狠是黑夜里最危险的存在。时光倒流,在那个凶狠的少年还未酿成大错之前,一个女孩忽然出现在了 他的生命中。她说自己无家可归,想留在他身边。她很乖,笑起来也很甜。那天顾怀璧回家,看到飘在窗边的裤衩,阴沉着脸走进房间谁让你动老子东西,以为老子舍不得走你?边边正在写作业,用柔柔的嗓音说:哥,内裤换下来就要洗哦。从此以后,顾怀璧的生活从以前的抽烟喝酒打架,变成了送边边上学,抓耳挠腮给边边辅导功课以及藏好自己的内裤。后来,人们发现,江城那个凶悍的豪门恶少身边总是带着一个女孩,女孩牵着他的衣角,害怕地躲在他身后。怀哥,这谁啊。我他妈要是知道这谁,早把她送回去了。边边收拾行李离开大宅的那一天,顾怀璧冒雨赶回家,堵在门口,眸光阴冷说好陪老子一辈子,嗯,想跑?边边畏惧地说:我又不是你妹妹。顾怀璧将女孩按倒在墙边,捏着她的下颌,用力吻上去那就给老子当女人。脾气暴躁冷漠不良少年vs重生回来的治愈系小软妹男主浑身上下都很躁,会丧失人性变成怪物,只有女主能治愈都市童话,青梅竹马。1w15515-77694 >>


内容简介:柳烟烟做了个梦。梦里要她攻陷的男人,都是别人心头朱砂,眼中华月。那便只能先解罗衣后解意啦。可是…一个个毫无压力地睡过之后,怎么好像她才是唯一的白月光?!最新·书·刊:p110109s4 02。com743974391811200311w0-79011 >>


内容简介:“别惹我,我老公超凶。”十八岁的姜咻嫁给了豪门老男人冲喜,同父异母的姐姐假惺惺:“听说寒爷是从地狱里爬出来的恶鬼,杀人不眨眼,凶残暴戾,咻咻去了傅家肯定会被折磨的很惨,活不过三天不说还 会被羞辱的嘤嘤嘤。”后来,她亲眼看见在豪华的商场里,传闻中恶鬼一般的老男人不仅帅到令人窒息,还单膝下跪温柔的给姜咻穿上了一只水晶鞋。再后来,记者采访傅沉寒:“请问两位这么多年来一直恩爱的原因是什么呢?”寒爷表示:钱给你,随便花。人给你,随便睡。就会一直很和谐。1w0-4970 >>


内容简介:觉醒前,他是外卖小哥;觉醒后,他是龙帝之子!三年真心付出,叶秋换来的却是老婆出轨!难道没钱就活该被欺负?难道没势就该被人踩在脚下?各位书友如果觉得《混世龙医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-130291 >>


Nomia summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nomia. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kagakushitsu E Douzo

First yaoi book by Honjou. 1) Welcome to the Chemistry Lab (Kagakushitsu e Douzo). (Two chapters). Shibaura, the Chemistry teacher, usually seems gentle and kind but, in reality, is a beast. Kousuke loves this Shiba-chan but will his chastity be safe?! 2) Only You Would Steal me Away (Kimi Dake ga Boku wo Ubaisaru) : story of Kousuke's brother and best friend. 3) The King's Lens (Ousama no Lens) : A student photograph and his model. 4) A Grave Sin : Revenge of an angry son upon his dead father's lover. 5) I'm in Love With a Demon (Boku wa Akuma ni Koi wo Suru) : A lonely otaku boy loses his eyeglasses and he looks very handsome, but...? Extra of the first story. For volume 2: It's been 6 months, and Shuri is wondering if Kobayashi is really his lover. Kobayashi's memory is continuing to improve, and he remembers something about Shibaura Sensei and the pharmaceutical company he worked at, but he can't remember what. Is it good? Is it bad? Will it affect the relationship between Shibaura Sensei and Kousuke? Will Shuri and Kobayashi move their relationship past kissing? (from Attractive Fascinate) Volume 3 contains a 2 chapter side story that was also published in Ikura Nandemo Suki Sugiru as chapters 1+2.


Girly boy Pil-Hyun Jung, also called Teddy Boy, strives to become a real man to win the heart of the girl he likes. He needs help becoming more manly so he becomes an apprentice to the author of a manhwa series about a pretty boy who wants to be a man. As Pil-Hyun works to overcome his problem, his love interest likes someone else, he gains a crazy stalker girl, and the women he lives with are all scary in one way or another. Will life ever go the way he wants it?

Tour Shangri-La

1) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 1 Hirastuka and Matsuzono have been friends since college, but Matsuzono harbors secret feelings for Hirastuka, but as the heir to the company they both work at, Matsuzono's step mother opposes any relationship (be it friendship or more) between the two. She calls for Hirastuka and offers him a choice - never see Matsuzono again or become the tour guide to a Shangri-La trip and all that it may entail... 2) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 2 Kanou has traveled the world and seen many things, but the one thing that has haunted him for years is the sight of his father making love to a young man. The image burned into his memory is that of the young man, whose body pulsated with pleasure, and Kanou dreamed of being the one giving the pleasure. As a present for beginning a career, Kanou is on Tour Shangri-La, where any dream can be fulfilled. Can the tour guide Asada help this dream become a reality? And why has Asada, who hasn't been a tour guide for years, decided to accept Kanou's tour? 3) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 3 Daichi and Housei are step brothers. What started as a biker gang showdown between Housei and Daichis respective gangs ends in Housei raping Daichi as part of a ritual punishment for the loser. However Housei isn't happy to leave it at just once and continues their relationship until Daichi escapes. Now Daichi is a Shangri-La tour guide, and it just so happens Housei is his next client! 4) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 4 Kashii would often visit a small cafe where Hiroki, a young cook worked and before long Hiroki began to yearn for Kashii's approval of his cooking. However Hiroki decides to take on the job of a Shagri-La tour guide in order to experience and learn foreign cuisine after hearing that Kashii has a 3 star personal chef at his disposal. Kashii finds out about Hiroki's sudden change in job and follows after him, taking the place of the first client - and his first request is that Hiroki become his personal chef for 3 days. 5) Safari Act. 1 Kazuki is a half-human werewolf, Akira is a legendary pure white wolf. They fall in love, but Kazuki as a half breed is considered an outcast in the tribe. One day the tribe tells him to leave so that Akira can get a real mate. Kazuki, recognizing the truth of their words leaves and takes on the life of a normal human, even becoming a teacher at a school. Yet, five years later Akira reappears in Kazuki's life. 6) Safari Act. 2 Story about a veterinarian and his love for a particular breed of cat. Satoya owns and runs the Satoya Veterinary Clinic alongside his adorable assistant Minami. After a customers' criticism over Satoya's favorite breed, Minami becomes quite upset. What's hiding behind his reaction?

Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator!

Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator! summary: Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Man of the Desert

The Man of the Desert summary: The Man of the Desert summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man of the Desert. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Elysium - A Journey

Elysium - A Journey summary: Elysium - A Journey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elysium - A Journey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mrs. Maxon Protests

Mrs. Maxon Protests summary: Mrs. Maxon Protests summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mrs. Maxon Protests. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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