


简介神居动漫&微博动漫《甜宠机器人》中秋嗨更季开启!99月12号开始周一-周六连续日更更新18话哦~ 当人类女孩遇上没有感情波动的机器人,它究竟和过去的他有什么关系?接下来将上演怎样的爱情故事?! 轻松搞笑的甜蜜暖萌日常,爱而不得的无奈心伤,等待他们的,会是怎样的结局呢?


简介出生在一个Sworder世家,可是竟无法成为Sworder,这一直是纱西露的心结。但从不轻言放弃的她,决定苦练剑术,凭借自己出色的身手,像Sworder 一样行正义之事! 目前与Coser楚南飞合作,两人分别假扮Sworder 与刃灵,以伪•Sworder的身份活跃中,遭遇了强劲的对手和事件……










简介《古惑仔漫画》是一部香港江湖漫画,作者为牛佬。讲述陈浩南的起起跌跌, 古惑仔由一个四九(社团的最底层会员),三年内升为红棍(1993 年 8 月 25 日继任“洪兴社” 铜锣湾区话事人, 及后在 2007 年成为 “洪兴社” 的龙头 (社团的最高话事人)的故事。 故事着重表达“兄弟之情”和““江湖之义”的点点滴滴。 由于《古惑仔漫画》的成功,牛佬的出版社相继出版了同类型的江湖黑帮漫画如《洪兴仔》、《东英仔》、《龙盘虎踞砵兰街》、《江湖大家族》、《古惑女》、《红灯区》 等,而这些漫画中的角色更与《古惑仔》一书中的漫画角色互通,有些角色更成为日后 《古惑仔》一书中的重要人物。 此举令《古惑仔》一书中的漫画世界更为真实和广大。 《古惑仔》漫画曾被改编为一系列的电影,为香港著名的黑帮电影。系列本传的导演皆 是刘伟强。从第一集《古惑仔之人在江湖》在香港上映便大受欢迎,故此仍然持续拍许 多续集,整体气势也是一时无两,甚至部分角色的一生也相继被拍成电影。这一系列电 影让观众大致了解三合会的大概面貌,主演本系列的演员们从此走出演艺圈,但是随之 而来的社会舆论,也时常批判本片过度将黑道人物英雄化。本片亦再度掀起一股黑帮电 影的风潮,其他电影制作公司纷纷朝此方向涉猎,因而出现许多其他类型和系列的黑帮 电影。 为了推广及配合当时上映的《古惑仔之人在江湖》电影,牛佬的出版社曾受权台湾的东 立出版社有限公司出版一系列的《古惑仔》漫画,并于台版改名为《人在江湖》,逢每 月的十五号出版, 定价新台币 130 元一册, 每期约有一百多页, 即香港版的四期书内容。 《人在江湖》的内容亦由香港地道的广东口语化翻译成台湾黑道式的白话文。


















内容简介:【年代】【空间】【七零】【养崽】【物资】纪碗收到即将穿到七零的指令,绑定系统后获得空间,为了能在七零生存,她开始在空间狂囤物资。一朝穿到七零乱坟岗的“死人堆里”,还碰上一出好戏。她看着 活春宫听着墙角,没想到被绿的居然是自己?于是撸起袖子,直接送渣男入渣女狱。养崽崽,发家致富,她携亿万物资畅游七零,卖服装,做生意混的风生水起。“娘”这奶呼呼的声音……纪琬压制着内心尖叫:啊啊啊!三个小崽崽怎么能这么可爱?不过话说这男的,“您哪位?”1w0-107149 >>


内容简介:一封来自已经逝去一年朋友的信,录像中的蹊跷,带着这些疑问来到这个奇怪的游戏,曲折离奇的故事,刺激惊悚的游戏,似乎万能的系统漏洞百出,黑白无常的面具又呆在了谁的脸上?各位猎人,欢迎来到, 猎人游戏!1w21547-25343 >>






内容简介:  体验滴滴司机,奖励帕加尼风之子一辆。体验大学老师,奖励十栋楼。体验包租公,奖励十个亿。体验……本书又名:《喜欢我的人为什么那么好》《都市美女图鉴》《我不想再有钱了》VIP群号:10 12255493(500粉丝值可加)书友群:4823962471w0-1662 >>


内容简介:苏冥穿到一本百合小说里,成为工具人女配,专门给女主和女二制造狗血误会,最后结局是出车祸惨死!作为穿书者,苏冥当然要逆书改命!她原以为只要抱紧女主大腿,就能走上人生巅峰,甚至和女主拥有甜 甜的恋爱。谁曾想她的官配竟然是女主妈妈?苏冥:喵喵喵???女主妈妈顾盏辞又御又飒,控制欲超强,是个冰山总裁。女主一心逃离她的魔掌,苏冥却甘心被她束缚,臣服在她身下,当然这是后话。苏冥:总结一下,就是我抱女主大腿失败后,和女主她妈妈he了。顾盏辞:为什么偏偏选择我?苏冥:大概是因为你大腿比女主粗?顾盏辞:……女主:……女主非亲生cp:不正经x正经,年龄差11,1V1【预收文《一觉醒来对象变成老阿姨》文案:林沐一觉醒来,不是2002,而是2020。刚刚还和她闹分手的哭包女朋友,已经变成了高冷老阿姨……林沐拉着阮秋池的手:“我们不分手好不好?”阮秋池看着消失已久、却突然出现的爱人,想着两人现在的年龄差,眼眶通红,语气冰冷地回绝道:“我现在已经是阿姨了,不适合你!”林沐愣住:“阿姨正好,反正我也不想奋斗了。”阮秋池:“……”目前年龄差16,老阿姨非贬义死不要脸温柔攻x傲娇高冷(哭包)受ps其实是互攻】1w0-28875 >>


内容简介:父母失踪,范佑活的像条野狗。直到有一天,收到银行转账来的一千万,范佑才知道自己原来是一个超级富二代。各位书友要是觉得《逆袭人生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w 0-70932 >>


内容简介:  本书又名《千年回溯》。第31届中国科幻银河奖最佳网络文学获奖作品。……【62章起飞,92章爆炸。这是个凡夫俗子把自己硬顶成文明救世主的故事。】1977年,旅行者升空。2010年,旅 行者二号向地球发送回一些奇怪的信息。2021年7月,旅行者二号提前四年彻底失联。二十六世纪初,地球文明被封锁圈养。3020年10月27日上午十点,人类灭亡。在灭亡的前一年,二十一世纪的普通青年陈锋穿越时空,抵达了千年之后,并且他发现自己死后将会回到二十一世纪。在未来阅读历史,在历史中改变未来。陈锋开始在这看似永恒的循环中,为自己与人类寻找黑暗中的唯一曙光。【读者群火锅粉《一号桌》:489337956。】1w0-2112 >>




内容简介:职业玩家重回十年之前。穿越到公测之前的《大江湖》游戏中,成为了一个开测即被推的新手村BOSS!在这个多朝代融合的大武侠网游世界。有纯阳真仙吕洞宾破碎虚空,白日飞升;有武当祖师张三丰功参 造化,返璞归真;有真武宗师张梦白一朝得道天下惊!有葵花传人现世,神针夺命鬼见愁。有九天君幕后掌天下,天下第一奇男子方乾,南屏天子峰约战剑圣拓跋。有落雁峰七星战十恶。有六分半堂和金风细雨楼摩擦不断,诸葛神侯肩扛北宋只手挽天倾。乱世之下,顾雁枫不止要活下去。他还要活得精彩!(本书又名《终极BOSS养成计划》,《武侠世界求生指南》,《大江湖最强幕后黑手》,《从江湖喽啰到魔道巨擘》,《谢邀,人在江湖,已是天下第一》……)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从NPC到魔教教主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65480 >>


内容简介:……架空,平行空间。退休军人古兰,做梦也没有想到一场旅游竟遇到了恐怖袭击,看着越来越多倒下的人多年的军人使命,最终选择……谁料到再睁眼到了个陌生的地方。身上还趴着一个睡着还一直喊娘的小 包子。……所以她这是……直接当娘了……。……什么?代你拯救儿子并抚养长大。……什么?不同意下场直接消失。……好吧!好死不如赖活着,看1w0-89669 >>

暗场(NPH 人妻出轨)

内容简介:人妻霍柔迷迷糊糊被各种男人利用、侵犯、鄙夷、蹂躏、玩弄的日子,最终堕落为暗场中的娼妓。白切黑女主。虐女主,但女主很爽。一场捕食,五个男人和一个玩物。是狩猎场,是修罗场,也是屠宰场。霍柔 跟随直觉的纯真者她不说话,她行动;她不顺从,她放纵。方时宇(丈夫)难以捉摸的控制者“柔柔,我是你的丈夫,我爱你,我爱你——但你真的在乎你的丈夫吗?”李边泰(上司)无法餮足的性瘾者“霍柔,你应该知道我们之间的关系很有趣的关系,我很好奇你的丈夫会怎么想。”江玄(老师)亦正亦邪的协助者“你该做的唯一一件事就是去1w0-118831 >>

Love - Motto Aishite

A collection of stories dedicated to girls loving someone and being loved by others. • Love I had the intention of not falling in love again, until that day when I came across that special person. The person I am in love with has a dark secret that no one knows about... • Love ~ To Become Your Number One The moment we all saw her, we all knew that she was something special. I knew that she was the one I didn't want to lose sight of... • Bust Complex I wish you would hold me tightly in your embrace. Sadly, we can't even touch each other due to a dark secret... • Second Chance It has been a year since we got together. Since that time, my feelings have been nothing but regret...How can I change what I am feeling?

Dining Bar Akira

Dining Bar Akira by Tomoko Yamashita centers on the happenings in a bar Kuimonodokoro Akira runs. Although the 32-year-old has never given thought to being in a relationship with a man, Akira seriously considers the proposition when he receives a sudden love confession from his male colleague, 26 year-old Torihara. It is no secret that new relationships can bring about their fair share of stress, but one with another man? And, with a colleague to boot? Finding himself in quite a conundrum, Akira struggles with his pride as an older man facing a younger and male pursuer, never mind that busy bar he is responsible for managing.

Lily On The Blade

All you need in order to become a registered exocist is take a short course ad pass a simple exam. Naturally, you'll earn money through battling magical beings. That is, if you are a girl in her late teens, highly compatible with the spiritual energy equipment made by the inari foxes, with an affinity to wield a sword.

Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z

(Based on the anime of the same name) Between eating sweets and trying to win over her crush, Momoko Akadzutsumi is a typical thirteen-year-old girl... However, she holds a big secret: along with her friends Miyako Goutokuji and Kaoru Matsubara, she is one of the Powerpuff Girls Z! Their mission? To fight the evil monsters created from the mysterious Chemical Z. But when two new villains come into the picture, the Powerpuff Z may just face their toughest challenge yet! From Baka-Updates: Blossom (Momoko), Bubbles (Miyako) and Buttercup (Kaoru) are three normal girls, living in a peacful town. Suddenly, a big ice mountain arrives in Tokyo, and when Ken accidentally breaks it, both good and evil powers comes out of it. When the three girls got hit by this strange power, they turned into transforming super heroes, who promised the mayor to protect Tokyo. However, the black power hits several animals, and they all turn evil, especially the extra smart one, Mojo. It's up to the girls now to save the day! Even if it means that the Powerpuff Boys Z will lift up their shirt or if they'll arrive in mortal danger! Get ready for a big adventure!

The Great Airship

The Great Airship summary: The Great Airship summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Great Airship. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire

Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire summary: After a quick and mysterious death, Yoona found herself alive once more inside the body of a witch named Ribbon—a notable witch who was supposed to be dead in the strange world she woke up in. How unfortunate of her, for in this world, witches are condemned, and people are nothing but treacherous creatures. Wicked, a powerful man who introduced himself as the guardian of Ribbon had found her. Thinking that she lost her memory, he offered her a contract where she would pledge her blood to him whenever he needed it, and in return, he vowed to protect her and keep her alive. But is he really a friend or a foe? Moreover, will a normal high school girl survive in this dangerous world?

Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism

Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism summary: Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

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